Modi1987 / KST-Kuka-Sunrise-Toolbox

A ToolBox for controlling KUKA iiwa robot from matlab:
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KUKA Sunrise Toolbox for Matlab

A Toolbox used to control KUKA iiwa robots :robot:, the 7R800 and the 14R820, from an external computer using Matlab.

Using the KST the utilizer can control the iiwa robot from his/her computer using Matlab's simple syntax, without requiring any skills nor knowledge about programming the controller of the industerial manipulator.

A basic knowledge of using Matlab is required.

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Video tutorials on how to utilize the toolbox

The newer version of KUKA Sunrise Toolbox (KST-1.7) provides a wrapper class that wraps the various functions of the earlier version (KST-1.6) in the file (KST.m). As such earlier version of KST works interchangeably with the newer version 1.7. And the user has the freedom of choice to utilize KST-1.7 or KST-1.6 according to his/her own preference.

Video Gallery

Video demos where MATLAB and KST are used to control iiwa manipulator are :point_right: available here :point_left: . The video examples range from pick & place applications where kinect camera is utilized for objects recognition and localization, to realtime collision avoidance with coworker/dynamic-obstacles in practical robotic cell. Other examples show how to control the manipulator from 3D simulation software or by using external hardware, and more.

Useful Links

Package Content

Path Content description
KUKA_Sunrise_server_source_code/ Java source code for IIWA controller.
Matlab_client/ Matlab code for KST.
OtherFlavours/ Other versions of KST.
Other_MATLAB_functionalities/ Hand-guiding/Physical-interaction functions.
Tips and tricks/ Documentation for enhancing network performance on PC.
realTimeControlDrawCircle/ Demo on trajectory generation/IK/on-the-fly control.
realTimeControlDrawEllipse/ Demo on trajectory generation/IK/on-the-fly control.
realTimeControl_iiwa_from_Vrep/ Demo, using KST with V-rep to control iiwa robot.
realtimeControlOfEEFGamePad/ Teleoperation, control EEF from GamePad.
realtimeControlOfJoint...../ Teleoperation, control joints from GamePad.
SunriseGUIinterface/ Friendly GUI for controlling iiwa from MATLAB.
iiwa_CNCPlotter/ Use IIWA as CNC Plotter.


Please cite the following article in your publications if it helps your research :pray: :

  Author={M. {Safeea} and P. {Neto}},  
  Journal={IEEE Robotics Automation Magazine},  
  Title={KUKA Sunrise Toolbox: Interfacing Collaborative Robots With MATLAB},  


This research was partially supported by: The Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) SFRH/BD/131091/2017 and the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 688807 - ColRobot project.