A mem-cached library by golang.
1、Support to set different TTL for every key
2、LRU policy to delete useless keys
3、Similar performance like sync.Map -> see bench_test
cache := localcache.NewLocalCache(
localcache.WithCapacity(1024), // WithShardCount set max Capacity
localcache.WithShardCount(256),// WithShardCount shardCnt must be a power of 2
localcache.WithGlobalTTL(120), // WithGlobalTTL set all keys default expire time of seconds
localcache.WithStatist(true), // WithStatist set whether need to caculate the cache stastic
localcache.WithPolicy(localcache.PolicyTypeLRU), // WithPolicy set the elimination policy of key
// Get a key and return the value and if the key exists
cache.Get(key string) (interface{}, bool)
// GetOrLoad get a key, while key not exists, call f() to load data, and will set the load data to cache.
// Load data process will called singleFlight called
cache.GetOrLoad(key string, f LoadFunc) (interface{}, error)
// Set a key-value with default seconds to live
cache.Set(key string, value interface{})
// SetWithExpire set a key-value with seconds to live
cache.SetWithExpire(key string, value interface{}, ttl int64)
// Del delete key and return if the key exists
cache.Del(key string) bool
// Len return count of keys in cache
cache.Len() int
// Flush clear all keys in chache, should do this when set and del is stop
// Stop the cacheProcess by close stopChan
// Statistic return cache Statics {"hit":1, "miss":1, "hitRate":50.0}
Statistic() map[string]interface{}