Moffein / RiskyMod

A full-game overhaul for RoR2 inspired by Risk of Rain 1, aimed towards multiplayer and looping. Feel free to take parts of this mod for your own use as long as you credit me in the README.
MIT License
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RiskyMod feedback #12

Open MeatMorning opened 2 years ago

MeatMorning commented 2 years ago

First of all, allow me to introduce myself. I’m MeatMorning, and I used to be a co-creator of CVO, a balance overhaul mod for Deep Rock Galactic, so I’m fully aware how hard and time consuming it is to make overhauls and balance on such a scale. For a reference: those are the links to the changelogs and explanations why we’ve made each change

Regarding ROR2, I’m used to “fix” gamedesign faults and fails via mods (a lot of them) while making the game overall harder to myself. For a record, any of my mod profile always use: tropical storm (-7.5% to all stats at the start of the game with no compensation), experience and gold multiplier (x0.6 gold gained), proc chain disable (almost all items have proc coef. equal to 0), custom spawn chance for interactibles (x0.75 total amount of interactibles to prevent getting too many items per stage). You’ve done a massive job, and me and my Deep Rock band are really interested to see where it will end up.

  1. Ally scaling: You’ve made a massive oversight – at some point your allies become immortal because HP scaling is faster than damage scaling. E.g. stage 10 monsoon Mithrix deals 1/5 squid turrets’ HP with his hammer attack , Voidling can’t break through Empathy core probe”s shield and so on. All allies' health scaling must be adjusted down.

  2. Scythe, pauldron and harpoon. Currently, all 3 items are OP and have gamebreaking potential on their own. One of the stated main goals of mod is to prevent autoplay, but combination of these 3 is the autoplay but from a different angle. What’s happening in vanilla - kill some small enemy - it procs Will-o-Wisp - proc chain kills everything else. What’s happening in mod - kill some small enemy - get your damage doubled - kill a group of enemies - get your buffs prolonged - kill everything else due to tripled damage (pauldron buff). Do you see - result is the same but with 1 extra step - you need to keep killing monsters (something you gonna do regardless). And unlike vanilla where you need to have a lot of different items to kill everything on sight, current implementation requires only 2 items: scythe and pauldron Smaller buffs with longer duration are much easier to balance because they won’t have such volatile chain reactions capabilities. I propose the following changes: Scythe: +5% crit chance on kill (stackable) 5 seconds duration (+3 per stack) Pauldron: +5% attack speed and movement speed per kill (stackable), 5 seconds duration (+ 3 per stack) Harpoon - movement speed buff 125% -> 50%. Each suggestion provides huge combat benefits when killing large groups of enemies, but small impact of each individual buff won’t allow to explode everything right after the first kill.

That’s few issues I’ve managed to find after playing exclusively riskymod (both solo and coop) for whole day. Really like character changes (especially acrid and commando - your ideas are much better then vanilla both design and implementation vise) I’m going to test more mechanics and changes, especially concerning difficulty scaling (does it scale fast enough) and difficulty at different points of a game (early game in particular). I’m open to discuss balance and design choices at any time. MeatMorning#6024

wheeshkurs commented 2 years ago

Just adding to this:

Many changes, when isolated, feel very good. In conjunction, however, they can contribute to On-Kill balance issues.

Wisp, Scythe, and Pauldron have stuck out as the run-changers across the mod's updates. These items could probably use some limitations on how much their effects stack/how often they activate, especially with Forgive Me Please absurdity.

Some directions to take these could be . . .

Was originally going to include this with other feedback in a seperate post, but MeatMorning explained the issue quite well!

Moffein commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the in-depth feedback!

For the next update, I'll try to get in the Scythe/Pauldron changes since they don't require much work to implement.

breadguy69 commented 2 years ago

I agree with a lot of this feedback, and I think that Pauldron and Harpoon would be fine with simple duration nerfs (3+2ish seconds per stack for pauldron, and maybe 2+1 seconds per stack for harpoon). Scythe might need some more significant changes, idk I haven't gotten it enough to say.

Also, like you mentioned in your patch notes, shield gating is likely too strong with the OSP buff and the new items like Opal and Safer Spaces (which I think are just kind of OP in their own right); makes it really hard to die with just a few items. In the same vein, I think blind pest damage got hit too hard. 30 damage might be too much (though I didn't think they were so bad after the ignite bug got fixed), but 12 feels too little.

Btw, brittle crown's new vanilla functionality causes it to have no downside. You only lose gold when an enemy hits you and steals it, but you get all the gold that they hold back when you kill them anyway, so you don't actually lose anything. Idk if hopoo is going to fix it, but I figured I'd mentioned it since you've done some BC changes already.

I don't have any feedback on survivor changes since I've basically only been playing railgunner since the DLC release, but you mentioned that she has no CC in your changelog. IMO her specials are plenty of CC since they're wide and pierce and pretty much instakill anything. Plus lining enemies up for a good overcharge is really satisfying. If anything, she's too strong, but idk what I'd do about that since nerfing any of her kit would just make her less fun. She's got major loader syndrome, but i think your band and atg nerfs and such are good

Moffein commented 2 years ago

I've definitely noticed that post-DLC RiskyMod is a lot harder to die in compared to pre-DLC (and compared to current Vanilla). I'm still trying to figure out the specifics of how to address this, as the items that enable this (Opal/SS) are DLC items that people aren't guaranteed to have. I have a suspicion that part of this may also be caused by the changed spawn pools, which include a lot more weak trash enemies on most maps, but I can't say I'm 100% certain about it.

I'd like to keep shieldgating in since I like the dynamic it adds where it's possible to clutch even when you don't have much healing items, but at the same time it enables 'win harder' gameplay when you do have good healing. I'll need to get more playtime in to figure out a proper solution.

I was originally planning to give Blind Pests 15 damage, which is the same as Wisps if all 3 shots hit (uncommon due to the spread), but I ended up going with 12 because when compared to a Lemurian, they're objectively better in most aspects (faster projectile, less telegraphed attack, flying), with their only downside being a slightly slower fire rate. I might consider revisiting their damage later, since defensive item mechanics are skewing how things play right now.

Wasn't aware of the new Brittle Crown functionality. Don't have plans to touch it as of now, but I'll keep this in mind for later.

breadguy69 commented 2 years ago

I have a couple more items of feedback after playing some more:

Moffein commented 2 years ago
breadguy69 commented 2 years ago

Aye I didn't think about the debuff stacking in MP, and had the same thought about Justice and Symbiote which is partly why I considered the Justice proc condition change. Fair enough point about everything else, cheers

gaforb commented 2 years ago

Having played with the changes in the recent update, I think Scythe's healing feels a bit lost with all the other on-kill effects like brooch and monster tooth - I'd suggest moving the regen to a buff that stays up as long as you're landing criticals, and maybe reduce the amount it heals for a bit to compensate. Altogether it would be something like:

Gain 5% Critical Strike Chance, plus an additional 10% chance for 4s when you kill an enemy, up to 30% (+20% per stack). Critical Strikes increase your base health regeneration by 3hp/s (+1hp/s) for 4s.

For changes to Chronobauble, Shattering Justice and Death Mark I think there's probably ways around that by having the buffs themselves stack. Take an example for Death Mark:

Enemies with 3 or more unique debuffs are marked for death, increasing damage taken by 30% (+20% per stack) from all sources for 5 seconds.

In this case, if player A has 1 stack of death mark and player B has 3 (and we assume the enemy has 3 other debuffs), then player A hitting it would apply 1 stack of Death Mark. If Player B then hit the enemy, it would apply 3 stacks, overwriting the original stack for a total of 3 stacks. Player A hitting the enemy again would now refresh the duration of all three stacks, but wouldn't add any more stacks.

Chronobauble could be like so:

Slow enemies on hit for -60% movement speed for 3s. Enemies slowed this way also lose attack speed equal to 25% (+25% per stack) of their slow.

In this case, the movement slow just checks for any stacks of the buff, while the attack slow checks for each stack of the buff.

Scorpion does kind of invalidate shattering justice, especially since the 5 hits already required some amount of attack speed and in most cases scorpion will be more effective after only a few seconds. Maybe having justice apply the armor debuff in an AOE explosion could make it more distinct and better at handling crowds of fodder, where scorpion can continue excelling at higher health targets that have time for the debuff to build up.

Hitting an enemy 5 times in quick succession Shatters them, reducing the armor of all enemies within 8m (+4m per stack) by 60 for 8s

As a red I think having range scaling is acceptable, especially since the effect won't stack if applied multiple times. A a hidden buff, I think item stacks should also increase the time it takes for buildup stacks to wear off, to make it easier for slower-hitting characters to land all 5 hits in some edge cases. Ideally this would only cause the shatter explosion when 5 buildup stacks become the full shattered debuff to prevent it going off constantly on already shattered enemies, but this would prevent triggering it again to refresh the duration so some testing might need to be done to see how it feels. Maybe just have further hits refresh the full debuff on individual enemies?

wheeshkurs commented 2 years ago

Small notes & lower priorities:

Thanks again!