Moffein / RiskyMod

A full-game overhaul for RoR2 inspired by Risk of Rain 1, aimed towards multiplayer and looping. Feel free to take parts of this mod for your own use as long as you credit me in the README.
MIT License
2 stars 5 forks source link

Bug reports, observations, suggestions #22

Open eGhpGZeMqhlAIRtA1soVFK4JCDnrsxAXjirz97L opened 2 years ago

eGhpGZeMqhlAIRtA1soVFK4JCDnrsxAXjirz97L commented 2 years ago

Bugs/Observations (very minor stuff, haven't found anything else "wrong" with this mod)


Featured I disabled and why

With all that being said, kudos to you though; I'm excited to see where this mod will end up, and I'm very happy with the direction it's going. Monster pools especially need some cleanup and I'm glad you're going to address that eventually.

Moffein commented 2 years ago

Late response, but I did read your post earlier:



Disabled Features

eGhpGZeMqhlAIRtA1soVFK4JCDnrsxAXjirz97L commented 2 years ago

Thank you for taking your time to read this and applying those tweaks. You've made great points all around and I realize that people will have very different stances on most subjects, either because of personal preference or the context of their current run.

Agitatio commented 2 years ago

Honestly think that increasing Beetles HP or armor is still a better solution. Sure, it affects the 1shot potential of some characters. However it would make them stand out from the rest of low tier fodder. And being tanky fits their visual perfectly. Could also maybe toy with lowering their price and spawn speed.