Moglum / rotten-tomatoes-letterboxd

A simple Node.js script to retrieve your Rotten Tomatoes reviews for import to Letterboxd.
13 stars 5 forks source link

I wanted to transfer my 1000+ reviews from Rotten Tomatoes to Letterboxd, so I wrote this simple script to help me. It gets all the reviews for a given User ID and creates a CSV file to be directly imported into Letterboxd. No extra steps needed.

Both your 0-5 rating and the review text will be transfered. For each movie the script gets Title, Year and Director Name to help Letterboxd correctly identify the movie during import.

It might not be perfect, but it has worked for me. If you have any problems with it, submit an issue and I'll try to help ;)


How to

  1. Clone or download the repo
  2. Run npm install in the root folder of the repo to install the dependencies
  3. Open index.js and replace YOUR_ID with your Rotten Tomatoes ID on line 8
  4. Open index.js and replace COOKIE with the cookie you retrieve from the screenshot below. See the discussion in in #8 as to why this is necessary.
  5. Run npm start It might take a while, the script gets max 20 reviews with each request.
  6. When finished you should have a file 'importMe.csv' waiting for you (another file gets created - the raw Rotten Tomatoes format - rawRatings.json you can ignore it)
  7. Import the file right here
  8. Profit
Screenshot 2023-01-21 at 3 36 41 PM

Known issues