MohammadrezaBanaei / LoRA-XS

LoRA-XS: Low-Rank Adaptation with Extremely Small Number of Parameters
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LoRA-XS: Low-Rank Adaptation with Extremely Small Number of Parameters

Code for the paper: "LoRA-XS: Low-Rank Adaptation with Extremely Small Number of Parameters"


We introduce LoRA-XS (Low-Rank Adaptation with eXtremely Small number of parameters), a novel approach leveraging Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) for parameter-efficient fine-tuning. LoRA-XS introduces a small r x r weight matrix between frozen LoRA matrices, which are constructed by SVD of the original weight matrix. Training only r x r weight matrices ensures independence from model dimensions, enabling more parameter-efficient fine-tuning, especially for larger models. LoRA-XS achieves a remarkable reduction of trainable parameters by over 100x in 7B models compared to LoRA. Our benchmarking across various scales, including GLUE, GSM8k, and MATH benchmarks, shows that our approach outperforms LoRA and recent state-of-the-art approaches like VeRA in terms of parameter efficiency while maintaining competitive performance.

Visual comparison of LoRA and LoRA-XS techniques. The key distinction of LoRA-XS lies in its use of a small
trainable matrix R between frozen low-rank matrices A and B derived from truncated SVD of pretrained weights.


We recommend running the scripts inside a conda environment. You can run the following commands to create the conda environment, as well as installing needed libraries:

git clone
conda create -n loraxs python=3.8.13
conda activate loraxs
cd LoRA-XS ; pip install -r requirements.txt


LoRA-XS is built on top of HuggingFace Transformers and PEFT libraries. As demonstrated below, LoRA modules are first added to the model as usual. Then, the find_and_initialize function will go through LoRA modules and transform each to a LoRA-XS module, which involves computing a truncated SVD of the pretrained weights for the frozen A/B matrices, as well as injecting r*r matrix (i.e., matrix R in the above figure) into the module. The only needed file is a config file indicating the needed SVD arguments for initialization which is provided in the config directory.

from peft import LoraConfig, get_peft_model
from utils.initialization_utils import find_and_initialize  # used to transform LoRA to LoRA-XS 
config = LoraConfig(
    task_type="CAUSAL_LM", # assuming a decoder-only model in this example
model = get_peft_model(model, config)

with open("config/reconstruct_config.yaml", 'r') as stream:
    reconstr_config = yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)

adapter_name = "default"  # assuming a single LoRA adapter per module should be transformed to LoRA-XS
peft_config_dict = {adapter_name: lora_config}

# specifying LoRA rank for the SVD initialization
reconstr_config['svd']['rank'] = lora_rank

    model, peft_config_dict, adapter_name=adapter_name, reconstr_type='svd',
    writer=None, reconstruct_config=reconstr_config

# perform training...

# LoRA-XS can be merged into the base model using `merge_and_unload` functionality of PEFT
model = model.merge_and_unload() 

GLUE Experiments

Note: Feel free to limit the grid search in the following scripts if you want to train the model with a specific hyperparameter.

Training from scratch

To reproduce our GLUE results for CoLA, SST-2 and QNLI tasks, please run the scripts/ script as follows (using QNLI dataset as an example):

python scripts/ --target_task qnli

Training from MNLI-tuned models

Similar to previous work, the GLUE experiments on MRPC, RTE and STS-B tasks are initialized from an MNLI-tuned model. Please run the scripts/ script as follows (using MRPC dataset as an example). Please note that you need to put your MNLI-tuned models in the model_checkpoints directory before running the script. We provide MNLI-tuned (using LoRA-XS) checkpoints with various ranks for the RoBERTa-large model here.

python scripts/ --target_task mrpc

Random versus SVD-based initialization

In order to run the LoRA-XS training with a random initialization (instead of the SVD-based initialization), please run the following script (using QNLI as an example):

python scripts/ --target_task qnli

Instruction Tuning Experiments

In order to run the instruction tuning experiment in the paper, where the model is trained on the MetaMathQA dataset and then evaluted on GSM8K and MATH benchmarks, please run the following bash script. If you want to fine-tune different pretrained model (current default is a Mistral-7B model), feel free to change the BASE_MODEL variable in the scripts/ script.

bash scripts/ 


If you use this code for your research, please cite the following paper:

  title={LoRA-XS: Low-Rank Adaptation with Extremely Small Number of Parameters},
  author={Ba{\l}azy, Klaudia and Banaei, Mohammadreza and Aberer, Karl and Tabor, Jacek},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.17604},