MohammedRashad / Crypto-Copy-Trader

A copy trading tool for cryptocurrencies - Binance Exchange
Apache License 2.0
197 stars 84 forks source link


Copy trading tool for cryptocurrencies - written in Python & Flask
Makes you copy high-performing masters without doing any effort

Disclaimer : this is a hobby project not intended for commercial use, and is provided as-is without warranty or liability. capital at risk.


bot used to make a mass buying or selling of identical bots to do basic copy trading.

Supported Exchanges

Installation and Launch

  1. Downland and install requirements

    git clone
    cd Crypto-Copy-Trader
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    cp ./config_files/config-sample.json ./config_files/config.json
  2. Configure config.json

    • Open ./config_files/config.json in text editor and paste your api keys and secrets to master and slaves
    • Possible values for a variable exchange_name you can find in folder ExchangeInterfaces.
  3. Run python

  4. Open GUI

Installation with Docker

  1. Build Docker container
docker build -t crypto-copy-trader .
  1. Run first Docker container
docker run --publish 8000:5000 --detach --name crypto-copy-trader crypto-copy-trader


Known Bugs


Thanks to everyone trying to help, special thanks for NickPius for multiple patches.

Contact me if you want to join as a contributor.


Apache 2.0 License