MohitKumar1991 / twitter-export

5 stars 2 forks source link



Search through your followers and send them mass DMs. Uses Twitter APIs (which severly rate limit this)


HEROKU INSTRUCTIONS (After clicking on the Deploy to Heroku Button)

Heroku Dyno Configure

Heroku Worker On


poetry install
make start_worker
make start_server

To stop worker locally

make stop_worker

This will

  1. Start a background process which will download all your followers locally
  2. Run a web app which will serve a UI to explore them as well as filter them.
  3. You can then create Mass DM campaigns

A few things:-

  1. The query section in the search page takes a SQlite3 Query and performs it over all the followers
  2. The Message in the campaign is parsed as a Jinja2 template with follower details injected in follower variable. So to write the name of the follower put {{}}

DISCLAIMER - WIP - Plz post feature requests etc

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