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By: Mohit Pimoli
Version: 1.1
This script allows you to perform a deauthentication attack on Wi-Fi networks, effectively disconnecting clients from a targeted network.
This tool is for educational purposes only. Unauthorized use of this script can violate laws and regulations. Always ensure you have permission to test any network before performing any actions.
tools installed (airodump-ng
, aireplay-ng
, airmon-ng
).sudo apt update
sudo apt install aircrack-ng
First, clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
cd Net-Ninja
Before running the script, ensure you have administrative privileges (use sudo):
sudo python3
The script will list available Wi-Fi interfaces. Select the interface you want to use for the attack by entering the corresponding number.
The following WiFi interfaces are available:
0 - wlan0
1 - wlan1
Please select the interface you want to use for the attack: 0
The script will automatically put the selected interface into monitor mode, allowing you to capture Wi-Fi packets and perform attacks.
The script will start scanning for available access points and display a list of detected networks with details like BSSID, channel, and ESSID.
Copy code
No | BSSID | Channel | ESSID
0 | 00:14:6C:7E:40:80 | 6 | MyNetwork
1 | 00:14:6C:7E:40:81 | 11 | GuestNetwork
Once the scan is complete, select the network you want to target by entering the corresponding number.
Please select a choice from above: 0
The script will now initiate the deauthentication attack on the selected network, sending deauth packets to disconnect clients.
Deauthenticating clients...
Deauthentication attack in progress. Press Ctrl+C to stop.
To stop the attack, press Ctrl+C. The script will automatically revert the Wi-Fi interface back to managed mode, restoring normal Wi-Fi functionality.
By: Mohit Pimoli Version: 1.1