MokoJs / moko

Generator powered models
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Generator-powered, highly extendible models made for use with co.

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npm install moko

Example Usage

var moko = require('moko'),
    validators = require('moko-validators'),
    mongo = require('moko-mongo');

var User = moko('User');

  .attr('name',  { required: true })
  .attr('email', { format: 'email' })

  .use(yield mongo('localhost:27017/moko-test'));

co(function*() {
  var user = yield new User(); = 'Ryan'; = '';

Table of Contents


moko is the spiritual successor to modella, updated for use with ECMA 6 generators.

moko provides bare-bones models and an API to extend them. Plugins are mixed into models adding functionality as needed. Plugins are easy to write (see the Moko Plugin Creation Guide) and readily shared within the moko community (see the Moko Plugin List)

The organization is open for those who would like to join. Simply reach out to Ryan and say hi!


Moko provides two types of events, async (powered by generators) and sync (powered by functions). async events happen before an operation and allow you to mutate the data, while sync events allow you to react to changes. In general, async events end with ing (eg. saving, creating, initializing).

Plugin authors are also encouraged to emit their own events to make it easy for users to hook into the plugins.

Built in async events:

Moko will emit the following async events. Notice that you must use generators for async events, although your generators do not necessarily need to yield themselves.


User.on('initializing', function*(user, attrs) { = 'Bob';

var user = yield new User({name: 'Stephen'});
console.log( // Logs "Bob";
User.on('creating', function*(user, attrs) {
  attrs.createdAt = new Date();

var user = yield new User({name: 'Stephen'});
User.on('saving', function*(u, dirty) {
  var others = yield User.find({name:}).count();
  if(others) throw new Error('Will not save with non-unique name');

Built in sync events:

Function (not generator) events are emitted after something happens on the model.

Built in events include:


User.on('change name', function(user, name, old) {
  console.log("User changed name from %s to %s", old, name);

co(function*() {
  var user = yield new User({name: 'Bob'}); = 'Steve';

Fire and forget email sending on user-creation.

User.on('create', function(user) {
  emails.sendWelcomeEmail(, function() { }) // anonymous callback fn

API Documentation

Creating and Configuring Models

Model Creation

To create a Model, simply call moko with the name of the model. If preferred you can also call new Moko(name).

var moko = require('moko');

var User = moko('User');

User instanceof moko // true
console.log(User.modelName) // => 'User'

// or

var Person = new moko('Person');

Model Configuration

All model configuration methods are chainable.

Model.attr(name, opts)

Defines attribute name on instances, adding change events. (see events below)

opts is an object that can be used by plugins.

var User = moko('User');

  .attr('name', { required: true })
  .attr('age',  { type: Number });

User.on('change name', function(u, name, old) {
  console.log(old + ' changed name to ' + name);

var user = yield new User({name: 'Steve'}); = 'Bob';


Adds a validator fn*(instance) which can add errors to an instance.

var User = moko('User');.attr('name');

var requireNameSteve = function*(user) {
  if( != 'Steve') user.error('name', 'must be steve');



Configures a model to use a plugin. See the list of plugins or the plugin creation guide to get started writing your own.

var mongo = require('moko-mongo'),
    validators = require('moko-validators'),
    timestamps = require('moko-timestamps');

var db = yield mongo('mongodb://localhost:27017/moko-test');


Event Methods

A moko Model mixes in co-emitter, see the full documentation for details. It exposes the following methods:

Working with Instances

Instances are created by yielding to a new Model. This allows async events to happen on initializing (such as pre-populating relations from the database).

var user = yield new User({name: 'Bob'});


Takes an object of attrs and sets the models properties accordingly. If an attribute is passed in that isn't defined on the model, it will be skipped.

var User = moko('User');


var bob = yield new User();
bob.set({name: 'Bob', age: 24}); == 'Bob' // true
bob.age === undefined // true, age wasn't a defined attr


Returns a cloned object of the instances attrs.

this.body = user.toJSON(); // inside koa

Persistence / Sync Layer

moko provides a variety of methods to persist models to a sync layer. Out of the box it does not use have any sync layer baked in, so without using one (as a plugin) these methods can throw errors.


If val is undefined, returns the primary key of the model (by default instance._id or, whichever exists.

If val is specified, sets the primary key attribute (instance._id or

You can also specify a primary key manually at time of attribute definition:

var User = moko('User').attr('username', { primary: true });

var user = yield new User();

console.log(user.username) // 'Bob'

user.primary() // 'Bob'


Returns whether instance.primary() is defined.

var userA = yield new User({_id: 123 });
userA.isNew(); // false

var userB = yield new User();
userB.isNew(); // true

Will save if a sync-layer plugin has been registered. Will only save if the model is valid, otherwise will throw an error.

To save regardless of being valid or not, pass in skipValidations as true.

try {
} catch(e) {
  // deal with error;


Will remove the model if the sync layer provides it.

Will set instance.removed to true.

yield user.remove();

Errors and Validation

instance.error(attr, reason)

Registers an error (reason) on attr.

if(! user.error('name', 'is required');


Returns an error object, in the format of {attr: [errors]}.

If attr is specified, returns an array of errors for that attr. If no errors are registered for attr it returns an empty array.

user.error('name', 'is stupid');
user.error('name', 'is short');
user.error('age', 'is too young');

user.errors() // { name: ['is stupid', 'is short'], age: ['is too young'] }
user.errors('name') // ['is stupid', 'is short']
user.errors('favoriteColor') // []


Runs all validators, and checks whether the instance has any errors or not.

If attr is provided, reports whether that specific attr is valid.

To support async validations, you must yield to isValid.

var valid = yield user.isValid();


Moko exports common utilities to make it so that plugins don't need to end up requiring the same modules.

Built in utilities include:
