MolarVerse / PQAnalysis

PQAnalysis is a API/CLI python package for the analysis of MD simulations
MIT License
4 stars 2 forks source link
life-science material-science molecular-dynamics theoretical-chemistry


CI Docs codecov License: MIT

The main purpose of this package is to provide useful tools for the analysis of the Molecular Dynamics software package PQ. Furthermore, the intent of this package is to enable straightforward implementations of newly developed analysis tools on top of the provided API.

The future development of this package focuses on two main goals. On the one hand the enhancement of the provided analysis tools and extending its API to be compatible with many other different Molecular Dynamics engines. As this project is only a hobby project of the maintainers, any contributions considering enhancement or bug fixes are highly welcomed.


Install with pip:

pip install pqanalysis


Clone the PQAnalysis GitHub repository and navigate into the directory:

git clone
cd PQAnalysis

Install with pip:

pip install .

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