Molecular-Biophysics-Database / mbdb-app

The complete application
MIT License
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Molecular Biophysics Database



Security note! Running an instance of the MBDB as described below is suitable for local development. IT SHOULD NOT BE USED IN PRODUCTION. Use a WSGI server for that.

Recommendation: Run Python outside of docker for this (you'll be prompted during installation)

  1. clone a copy of this repository and enter it
  2. run ./nrp build - should not fail as it will skip the not-found directories
  3. run ./nrp develop, wait for the server to start up (you might want to check that homepage can be opened at and shut it down. This will create the database and initialize all the containers
  4. run source .venv/bin/activate to activate the virtual environment
  5. run invenio oarepo fixtures load to load the vocabularies
  6. set up ORCID authentication (see below)

Setting up ORCID authentication

Acquire Orcid credentials

  1. Create an ORCID user account - (it's free of charge)
  2. Register a public API
  3. Add your domain(s) to list of the redirect URIs:
    1. If you're only running locally, add

Register the public API credentials in the mbdb-app

  1. Create the file ~/.envrc.local
  2. Put the following lines into it:
    export INVENIO_ORCID_APP_KEY='changeme'
    export INVENIO_ORCID_APP_SECRET='changeme'

    Change the 'changeme' to the ORCID public APIs Client ID and Client secret, respectively

Repository layout overview

Further information is available at the README inside the respective folders

Upgrading dependencies of the repository

Run the following command to upgrade the dependencies of the repository:

./nrp upgrade

This will upgrade the dependencies of the repository to the latest versions (python and node dependencies). After upgrading, it will run the build via nrp build --production and nrp test to make sure that the dependencies will build.

Handling models

Schema for a new model

The following three model files should be placed inside models:

Have a look in there how these files are defined.

Creating a new model

To create a new model, run:

./nrp model create <model-name>

The command will ask a couple of questions and will create <model-name>.yaml file in the models directory. Please edit the file to add the fields and other information about the model.

Compiling and installing the model

To compile the model, run:

./nrp model compile <model-name>

This will compile the model and generate python code for it. The generated sources and entrypoints are placed in the <model-name> directory and to pyproject.toml file.

Alembic migrations will be generated (this requires that the containers are running - run nrp develop or nrp check before running this command).

After the model is compiled, run nrp develop and check that the model is working correctly under the /api endpoint.

Creating UI pages the model

To create UI pages for the model, type:

./nrp ui model create --model <model-name> <ui-name>

The ui-name is optional, if not specified, it will be the same as the model-name. The command will ask a couple of questions and will create jinjax templates and react pages for displaying a listing of the model, a detail page and a form for creating and editing the model.

Checking requirements

To check that the requirements are met, type:

./nrp check

This will check that all the requirements are met and the repository can be run. If there are any errors, they will be reported and the command will exit with a non-zero exit code.

To fix the problems, run the command with '--fix' option:

./nrp check --fix

Running the repository in development mode

To run the repository in development mode, type:

./nrp develop --extra-library <path-to-library>

This will check the prerequisites, start the docker containers, install the python dependencies, compile UI and start the development server. The UI will be available at, the API at

If extra-library parameter is given, this library will be installed in an editable mode to the repository's virtual environment. You can repeat this parameter multiple times to install multiple libraries.

Removal of extra libraries can be done by:

After the first run of ./nrp develop, you can speed up the subsequent runs by adding --skip-checks commandline option.

Building the repository for production

./nrp build

This will build the repository for production. It will check that the python dependencies are up to date (to skip the check, run ./nrp build --skip-checks). It will also clear the virtual environment and reinstall all the dependencies before building the repository.

Running the repository in production mode

To run the repository in production mode, type:

./nrp run

This will just run the repository, depending on it having been built beforehand. If the repository has not been built, it will fail.

In production mode, python/js sources are not watched for changes, and the UI is build beforehand with minification and optimizations.

Creating production images

To create a production image, type:

./nrp image <image-name> <image-tag> <image-tag>

This will create a production image with the given name and tags. The production image will be based on the oarepo:oarepo-base-production:<invenio-version>. The image will be tagged with the given tags and also with the <image-name>:latest tag.

This steps expects that the repository has been built beforehand. If not it will fail.

Note: the image will not be pushed to the registry. To push the image to the registry, use the docker push command.

Testing the repository

To run test scenarios (integration API tests and UI tests), type:

./nrp test

This command will create new containers, run the API tests and UI tests within the docker then destroy the database. If any of the tests fail, it will report the failure and exit with a non-zero exit code.

The command expects the repository to be built beforehand. If not, it will fail.

UI handling

Creating UI pages for custom endpoints

To create UI pages for a custom endpoint, type:

nrp ui page create <page-name> <page-endpoint>

The page-name is the name of the page, for example about or search.
The page-endpoint is the endpoint of the page, for example/about or /search.

If page-endpoint is not specified, it will be the same as page-name.

The command will create a jinjax template for the page and register the page to the flask application.

If you run the command with --react option, it will also create react endpoint for the page and reference it from the jinjax template.

build Tailwind CSS

./ --watch

Useful commands

The commands below assumes that you're using the invenio installation from the .venv, so remember to activate it before using them:

source .venv/bin/activate
# clear and recreate db tables 
invenio db destroy --yes-i-know
invenio db init
invenio db create

# clear and recreate search index
invenio index destroy --yes-i-know
invenio index init

# initialise custom fields 
invenio oarepo cf init

# configure file storage 
invenio files location create --default default s3://default

# create and load vocabularies 
invenio oarepo fixtures load

# load mst sample data
invenio oarepo fixtures load --no-system-fixtures sample_data/mst

# reindex the whole repo
invenio oarepo index reindex


# create user
> invenio users create --password 123456 -a -c

{'email': '', 'password': '****', 'active': True, ...}

# get token
> export REPOTOKEN=$(invenio tokens create -n resttest -u; echo $REPOTOKEN


# create a sample record
> curl -k -XPOST -H "Authorization: Bearer $REPOTOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d "$(jq '.[0]' sample_data/mst/MST.json)" \

{"links": {
  "draft": "",
  "files": ""

# try to get the draft (note draft url)
> curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer $REPOTOKEN" \

{ok json}

# try to list drafts (currently these are "user" files, that's why "user" is in the path)
> curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer $REPOTOKEN" \

{ok json}

# get the files section, note there are none at the moment
> curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer $REPOTOKEN" \

{"enabled": true, "links": {"self": "zv0gv-btp27/draft/files"}, "entries": [], "default_preview": null, "order": []}

# start creating a file - in this step, just send
# a list of file names that will be later uploaded
> curl -k -XPOST -H "Authorization: Bearer $REPOTOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '[{"key": "blah.txt"}]' \

{"enabled": true,
 "links": {"self": "zv0gv-btp27/draft/files"},
 "entries": [{"metadata": null, "status": "pending",
              "links": {"commit": "zv0gv-btp27/draft/files/blah.txt/commit",
              "content": "zv0gv-btp27/draft/files/blah.txt/content",
              "self": "zv0gv-btp27/draft/files/blah.txt"},
              "key": "blah.txt"}]}

# upload single file in one chunk
> curl -k -XPUT -H "Authorization: Bearer $REPOTOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" \
  -d 'txt file content' \

# add the file metadata
> curl -k -XPUT -H "Authorization: Bearer $REPOTOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"name": "blah"}' \

{"metadata": {"name": "blah"}, "status": "pending", ...}

# commit the changes - the file with all metadata will get created at this point
> curl -k -XPOST -H "Authorization: Bearer $REPOTOKEN" \
  "metadata": {
    "name": "blah"
  "version_id": "b0965ba0-2148-4d75-bcb4-7572bf34ee7b",
  "file_id": "9e57f76a-7274-4e9a-9f62-102a89638def",
  "status": "completed",
  "size": 16,
  "created": "2023-09-13T09:01:48.229176+00:00",
  "links": {
    "commit": "zv0gv-btp27/draft/files/blah.txt/commit",
    "content": "zv0gv-btp27/draft/files/blah.txt/content",
    "self": "zv0gv-btp27/draft/files/blah.txt"
  "updated": "2023-09-13T09:06:57.472556+00:00",
  "key": "blah.txt",
  "bucket_id": "aa25811f-dc12-49f8-9fba-76d64e724331",
  "checksum": "md5:05b731d7a66565cbafe7380174ea80c3",
  "storage_class": "L",
  "mimetype": "text/plain"