This Project uses an esp8266 board as a hub to control RF-Switches via Amazon Echo (Alexa) by emulating Wemos Network Devices
Its basically a more stable reimplementation, enhanced version of fauxmoESP by
Currently (as of 10/22/2017) HEAD Builds are not working. To successfully compile the Project esp8266/arduino needs to check out commit 2c2d6a3bad29249c6954c2c61a83a3e4ff847da6 and ESPAsyncTCP to 9b0cc37cd7bdf4b7d17a363141d2e988aa46652c
If the ESP8266 keeps loosing configuration data and constantly booting into "EasyAlexa"-Mode, you are probably using the wrong flashing tool. For windows users I recommend using the github flasher seen below..
Apparantly, the builtin WeMo device control is no longer available in the new Amazon Echo Plus devices.
The release file is designed to run on a D1-Mini-R2 compatible esp8266 board. Just download the esp8266 flash tool from github and flash the latest released rfbridge.bin.
Connect a RF-Transmitter Module to your esp8266 device. The data-connector should be connected to D4 (GPIO2). If you are using a different board, you need to look up GPIO2 in the pinout chart of your board and recompile the project for that board.
The first time rfbridge runs on your esp8266, it starts off acting as an AP named "EasyAlexa". Connect to it and open a browser to open You will be asked to enter a ESSID and Password. Click Save and reset the device.
The esp8266 will now connect to the network. To identify the IP of your device, You can either use a network scanner (ie "Net Scan" for Android Devices) or a usp port monitor. Browse to the ip of your device.
Add a switch In the "Switch Configuration" section, specify a name for the switch. This name will be reconzied by Alexa later on so it's best to specify a distinct name.
RF-Switches usaly have 10 dip-switches. The first 5 switches specify a "housecode" and the last 5 specify the device Code. The position of the switches need to be translated to 0 (=off position) and 1 (=on postion) IE.
Housecode 00100 Code 10011
Opionaly, if your RF Switches don't have dip-switches, you can specify so called "TriState Codes". These TriState Codes can be taken from the output of rc-switch/AdvancedReceiveDemo-example. You need a receiver-module for this procedure.
Another option, if you wan't to trigger other devices on your smarthome network, your can specify URLs that will be fired when alexa triggers a switch.
Hit Save and start the device recover function in the alexa app. The above configured device should be discovered.
Head builds are currently broken! (see Known Problems)
Requirements for Windows users.
- [Docker Toolbox](
- [git for windows](
Launch the "Docker Quick Start Terminal".
Starting "default"...
(default) Check network to re-create if needed...
(default) Waiting for an IP...
Machine "default" was started.
Waiting for SSH to be available...
Detecting the provisioner...
Started machines may have new IP addresses. You may need to re-run the `docker-machine env` command.
Regenerate TLS machine certs? Warning: this is irreversible. (y/n): Regenerating TLS certificates
Waiting for SSH to be available...
Detecting the provisioner...
Copying certs to the local machine directory...
Copying certs to the remote machine...
Setting Docker configuration on the remote daemon...
## .
## ## ## ==
## ## ## ## ## ===
/"""""""""""""""""\___/ ===
~~~ {~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~ / ===- ~~~
\______ o __/
\ \ __/
docker is configured to use the default machine with IP
For help getting started, check out the docs at
Start interactive shell
niels@thinkpad MINGW64 /h
Create a work directory and clone the repository using git.
$ cd /c/
$ mkdir work
$ cd work
$ git clone
$ cd RFBridge
$ cd Docker
Inside the Docker-subdirectory launch the
Docker builds a minimal container that compiles the project and serves the flashable binary.
Inside the docker quickstart terminal
$ docker run -d -t --name rfbridge rfbridge
$ docker exec -i -t rfbridge /bin/bash
root@6be4938dda1c:/# apt-get install nano
nano /
In the make-line replace the d1_mini-board with the one you own.
Available Boards are:
generic Generic ESP8266 Module
esp8285 Generic ESP8285 Module
espduino ESPDuino (ESP-13 Module)
huzzah Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266
espresso_lite_v1 ESPresso Lite 1.0
espresso_lite_v2 ESPresso Lite 2.0
phoenix_v1 Phoenix 1.0
phoenix_v2 Phoenix 2.0
nodemcu NodeMCU 0.9 (ESP-12 Module)
nodemcuv2 NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module)
modwifi Olimex MOD-WIFI-ESP8266(-DEV)
thing SparkFun ESP8266 Thing
thingdev SparkFun ESP8266 Thing Dev
esp210 SweetPea ESP-210
d1_mini WeMos D1 R2 & mini
d1 WeMos D1(Retired)
espino ESPino (ESP-12 Module)
espinotee ThaiEasyElec's ESPino
wifinfo WifInfo
coredev Core Development Module
gen4iod 4D Systems gen4 IoD Range
oak DigiStump Oak
Save the file and execute it. After compilation is complete, exit the container.
Copy the file from the container to your local disk:
docker cp rfbridge:/tmp/mkESP/RFBridge_<your board here>/RFBridge.bin ./rfbridge.bin
Requirements for Windows users
- [Visual Studio 2017]( Any Edtition will do. Visual Studio 2017 Community is for free for individuals.
- Make sure you have the c++ and git extension enabled in the Visual Studio Installer (can be launched any time from the start menu).
- [Visual Micro extension](
- [git for windows](
- python2.7 for windows. I recommend using [chocolaty]( to install the python2-package for windows.
Setup the project
- recursivly clone the project and all submodules to an empty directory
- change the directory to RFBridge\hardware\esp8266\esp8266\tools directory and run the
cd \
mkdir work
cd work
git clone --recursive
cd RFBridge\hardware\esp8266\esp8266\tools
- launch Visual Studio 2017
- goto "tools->visualmicro->Configure arduiono ide locations"
- select "Visual Micro(noide)" from drop down
- in "sketchbook-locations" enter the directory where you cloned the repository (c:\work\RFBridge);
- click "OK"
- select "tools->visualstudio->rescan toolchains and libraries".
Visual Studio should now be prepared to open the solution file (.sln) and compile the project.