MonashProteomics / Phospho-Analyst

GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. GitHub R


A tool for analysing label-free quantitative proteomics dataset on both peptide and protein level




Data pre-filtering criteria

-Remove reverse sequences -Remove potential contaminants -Remove localization probability < 0.75 -Expand Phosphosite intensity columns from wide to long format -Extract peptide sequences information -Remove observations with high proportion of missing values

Advanced parameters to choose


Result table

Result Plots

  1. Interactive volcano plot for each pairwise comparison.
  2. Heatmap of differencially expressed phosphosites/proteins
  3. Phosphosite intensity plots for a single or group of selected phosphosites/proteins from table.

QC Plots

  1. PCA plot (Could move to QC section)
  2. Sample Correlation (pearson correlation)
  3. Sample Coefficient of variations (CVs)
  4. Number of phosphosites/proteins per sample
  5. Sample coverage (overlap of identified phosphosites/proteins across every sample)
  6. Missing value heatmap
  7. Imputation effect on sample distribution

Download options

Download tables (csv format)

  1. Results: Same as Results Table
  2. Unimputed data matrix: Original phosphosite/protein intensities before imputation in each sample.
  3. Imputed data matrix: Phosphosite/Protein intensities after performing selected imputation method
  4. Full results: Combined table of all above data outputs i.e. with and without imputation information, along with fold change and p-values.

Download Report

Local installation

The current version of Phospho-Analyst is hosted on R - 4.2.1. The required packages can be installed by running the install.R.

Once installed all the dependencies following steps to run the server locally.

Move to the folder

cd Phospho-Analyst

Inside R console or R studio



- Using Docker

Install & start Docker demon on your PC

Option one:

Pull Phospho-Analyst image from Docker Hub (From terminal)

docker pull haileyzhang/phospho-analyst:tagname

Option two:

Clone the repository

git clone

Move to the folder

cd Phospho-Analyst

Build Phospho-Analyst (Any name after -t)

docker build -f Dockerfile -t phospho-analyst .

Run Phospho-Analyst (From terminal)

docker run -p 3838:3838 phospho-analyst

Open local interface
