Tago is a web application that uses Open CV, an open source computer vision and machine learning software library, to track the number of visitors to exhibits at the Missoula Art Museum. The mission is to gather data about the venue (where people are), store the data, and view the data.
OpenCV Python d3.js mongoose express JQuery node mongoDB
Jillian Burgan: jillian.burgan@gmail.com front-end
Keesha Cain: keeshy19@gmail.com stand-in project manager
Matthew Sutton: mcsutton@outlook.com project manager
Nathan Talley: nst.n88@gmail.com data middle man
Cassidy Tucker: cassidytucker60@gmail.com front-end, user interface, accessibility
Kerry Zahn: zahnahoria@yahoo.com security, security tests
What is the file structure? tago -docs/
All team members will create a working branch off of the staging branch. Team members will push to the working branch. Kerry will be in charge of pull requests and will be the pull request manager.
What deadlines does this project have? Has your project manager laid out a basic timeline? Put that here.
The deadline for this project will be the first week of January 2018. Matt and Keesha will meet to determine further deadlines within the project.
Does your project have any other quirks that might be important to know? Will a new teammate have all of the information they need in this document to get started?
None known as of yet
Are you dealing with weird CORS issues? Do you have a particularly precarious hack in your code that someone should be aware of?
None known as of yet