Moonshine-IDE / Super.Human.Installer

Super.Human.Installer helps you install the latest and greatest HCL Domino technologies easily.
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Building the app


Successfully building the app requires the followings to be installed:

Required and properly pre-configured Haxelibs:

C++ Compilers

Additional software required to run the app

Building on macOS (x86-64)

To build the app for macOS (x86-64 native/C++), make sure you're in the root directory of the project and enter the followings in command line:

openfl build mac

or for debug builds

openfl build mac -debug

Building on macOS (ARM64/AArch64)

Note: Building the app on arm64 architecture (namely Apple M1/M2 (Silicon) SOCs) is currently not possible. Neither HXCPP nor Lime works currently on arm64 natively. The x86-64 compilers and the toolchain, however, can be installed and configured if Rosetta is already installed, so the app can be built and launched if Rosetta is present.

Building on Windows

To build the app for Windows (native/C++), make sure you're in the root directory of the project and enter the followings in command line:

openfl build windows

or for debug builds

openfl build windows -debug

Building on Linux

To build the app for Linux (native/C++), make sure you're in the root directory of the project and enter the followings in command line:

openfl build linux

or for debug builds

openfl build linux -debug

Building for Neko VM

Neko build target is recommended for a quick local build, test, and deployment. The functionality and feature-set of the Neko build is equivalent of the Native/C++ build's.

To build the app for Neko, make sure you're in the root directory of the project and enter the followings in command line:

openfl build neko

or for debug builds

openfl build neko -debug

The generated app will be bundled with the necessary libraries and executables on all supported platforms.

For quick build-and-run enter openfl test neko or openfl test neko -debug in the command line.

Optional build parameters


Builds the app with debug info. Enables debug and verbose log levels.


Forces colorized console output.


Forces machine-readable logging. Please read below for details


Forces verbose log level, works only if -debug is also defined.

Important! Enabling verbose logging is strictly for development purposes. Enabling it may lead to potential memory leaks, app misbehaviors, errors, crashes, and may expose some (although not necessarily overly sensitive) user data. Please make sure it's not defined in public builds! Please read below for more information


The app is being built with net.prominic.genesis.superhumaninstaller package id by default. If you want to change that without modifying project.xml, define your custom package id in the command line, e.g.

openfl build mac -Dpackageid=com.myorganization.superhuman


Builds the app with final release configuration (disables debug info, debug and verbose logging, machine-readable output). Works only if -debug is omitted. Final release configurations are intended to build the public version of the app.

Launching the app

If the compilation succeeds, the production app bundle will be placed in ./Export/Production/{platform}/bin, the debug (development) builds in ./Export/Development/{platform}/bin directory.

macOS note: Building and running the app bundle the first time on an external volume, the OS shows a dialog in which the user has to grant access to Removable Volumes for the app, which permission is neccessary for accessing the bundled assets. If the access is denied, the app might run into errors. If you accidentally clicked "Don't allow", open macOS Settings, select "Security & Privacy", click "Privacy" tab, select "Files and Folders" in the list on the left, and grant access to SuperHumanInstaller in the list on the right (by making sure of "Removable Volumes" checkbox is selected).

Command line parameters

The app can be launched with the following optional command line parameters:

Example of a command line launch with parameters:

SuperHumanInstaller.exe --loglevel=warning --mr

Log locations