Mopinion-com / mopinion-sdk-android

Mopinion Mobile SDK for Android. Built in native Kotlin
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Mopinion Native Android SDK

The Mopinion Native Android SDK has been developed 100% in native Kotlin, powerful tool to collect users feedback from an Android App based on events.


Release notes for version 2.0.0 🎉

What's changed:


Step 1:

Add the JitPack repository to your build.gradle root file. Add it at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
        repositories {
            maven { url '' }

In newer versions of Android Studio this repository will have to be set in settings.gradle file of the project as the following:

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ''

Step 2:

Install the Mopinion Native Android SDK by adding it to the build.gradle module level of your project. The minimal required Android API is 21.

dependencies {
    //For the full version
    implementation 'com.mopinion.native-android-sdk:mopinion-sdk:2.0.0'
    //For the webview version
    implementation 'com.mopinion.native-android-sdk:webview-sdk:2.0.0'

Step 2 using Versions Catalog


mopinion-sdk = { group = "com.mopinion.native-android-sdk", name = "mopinion-sdk", version.ref = "mopinion" }

Step 3:

The library needs to communicate with Mopinion Servers, please make sure you have the Internet permission in your AndroidManifest.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""

        <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />


Step 4:

This SDK contains view components that extend from MaterialComponents. Your application theme needs to extend from a MaterialComponents theme. In case you can not change the application theme, and you have to use AppCompat themes mandatory, then you can use a MaterialComponent Bridge theme. Both Theme.MaterialComponents and Theme.MaterialComponents.Light have .Bridge themes:

Bridge themes inherit from AppCompat themes, but also define the new Material Components theme attributes for you. If you use a bridge theme, you can start using Material Design components without changing your app theme.

For more information, please visit MaterialComponents implementation steps.

On API versions < 26 O (Oreo)

This SDK implements Java LocalDateTime, which is not available on lower versions of Java 8 APIs, to be able to use it, you will have to apply the desugar plugin to your build.gradle (App module) as the following:

defaultConfig {
        // Required when setting minSdkVersion to 20 or lower
        multiDexEnabled true

compileOptions {
        coreLibraryDesugaringEnabled true

    dependencies {
    coreLibraryDesugaring ''

Implementing the SDK


Mopinion.initialise(this.application, "DEPLOYMENT_KEY")
import com.mopinion.mopinion_android_sdk.*

class SomeActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    private lateinit var mopinion: Mopinion

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        //This can be called from onCreate()
        mopinion = Mopinion(this)
        //Somewhere in the class where needed, .event can be called.
        mopinion.event("action") {
import com.mopinion.mopinion_android_sdk.*

class SomeFragment : Fragment() {
    private lateinit var mopinion: Mopinion

    override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        //This can be called from onViewCreated()
        mopinion = Mopinion(requireActivity())
        //Somewhere in the class where needed, .event can be called.
        mopinion.event("action") {

Jetpack Compose implementation 🚀

We do support FragmentActivity and AppCompatActivity which are completely compatible with Jetpack Compose and are non limiting or causing any deprecation to your project.

In order to use the SDK, your MainActivity needs to extend either from FragmentActivity or AppCompatActivity.

We do suggest the following init implementation as example:

class MainActivity: FragmentActivity() {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        Mopinion.initialise(this.application, "DEPLOYMENT_KEY")

        setContent {
            MyApplicationTheme(dynamicColor = false) {
                    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
                    color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.background,
                ) {

And in order to construct the Mopinion object in your Composable, we will need either a FragmentActivity or an AppCompatActivity too.

We do suggest the following Mopinion construction implementation:

fun MyScreen() {
  val fragmentActivity = LocalContext.current as? FragmentActivity ?: handleException() //here you can handle the exception if the local context is not a FragmentActivity.
  val mopinion = remember { Mopinion(fragmentActivity) }
    text = "Stop guessing, start knowing!",
    modifier = Modifier
      .clickable {


Mopinion.Companion.initialise(this.application, "DEPLOYMENT_KEY");
public class SomeActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    private Mopinion mopinion;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        mopinion = new Mopinion(this);
        mopinion.event("action", formState -> Unit.INSTANCE);
public class SomeFragment extends Fragment {

    private Mopinion mopinion;

    protected void onViewCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        mopinion = new Mopinion(requireActivity());
        mopinion.event("action", formState -> Unit.INSTANCE);

Ignore form rules

The function event, receives a mandatory String parameter named eventName. Also, receives an optional parameter named ignoreProactiveRules which by default is set to false. You can set ignoreProactiveRules to true to ignore all form rules and show the form.

  mopinion.event(eventName = "myEvent", ignoreProactiveRules = true) { formState ->


Extra data

It's also possible to send extra data from the app to your form. To do this, supply a key and a value to the data() method. Add the data before calling the event() method if you want to include the data in the form that comes up for that event. as String, value as String)
import com.mopinion.mopinion_android_sdk.*

val mopinion = Mopinion(this / requireActivity(), "$FORM_KEY")"first name", "Andy")"last name", "Rubin")
mopinion.event(eventName as String)

Clear Extra Data

It's possible to remove all or a single key-value pair from the extra data previously supplied with the data(key,value) method. To remove a single key-value pair use this method:

mopinion.removeData(key as String)


mopinion.removeData("first name")

To remove all supplied extra data use this method without arguments:


Implementing FormState Callbacks

The event() function is a lambda function which once has been executed, receives a Sealed Class FormState. This behaviour is meant to indicate in which state the Form is. This class contains the following States: State Methods Description
Loading No methods Is emitted when the form is loading.
FormOpened No methods Is emitted once the form is opened.
FormSent .feedbackPostModel/.getFeedbackPostModel() Is emitted once the user submits the form. This Object contains FeedbackPostModel, which is the form with the data the user has submitted.
FormCanceled No methods Is emitted when the form is canceled (tapping outside of the BottomSheetDialogFragment or the back arrow).
FormClosed No methods Is emitted when the form is submitted and closes automatically, or when the form logic is set to auto-close when the form is submitted.
Error .message/.getMessage: String, .hasErrors/.getHasErrors(): Boolean Is emitted when an error occurs when the form is being submitted.
HasNotBeenShown .reason/getReason(): Reason Is emitted when due to circumstances that can not be determined as errors occur. This state has as constructor a Reason which gives a clear reason of why the form is not showing up.
Redirected .redirectInfo: RedirectInfo? Emitted when a link has been clicked in the SDK, with the LinkComponent and the user has been redirected to a URL in the browser. The RedirectInfo contains data of that redirection such as event: String, formKey: String, formName: String, triggerMethod: String, url: String, redirectInfoError: String?
As mentioned in the HasNotBeenShown State, this state contains a Reason explaining why the form did not showed up. The possible reasons by the moment are the following: Reason Methods Description
ErrorWhileFetchingForm .exception/.getException(): Exception This reason is provided when fetching the form an error occurs, it contains an Exception.
DoesNotMatchProactiveRules No methods This reason is provided when the form rules does not match the required criteria to be shown.
EventDoesNotExist No methods The event provided does not exist on the deployment.
FormDoesNotExist No methods The form key required does not exist on backend, meaning the form key to which the GET call has been made returns an empty form. This can occur because the form has been deleted and the deployment has not been updated.

Kotlin Example:

mopinion.event(event) { formState ->
    when (formState) {
        is FormState.Error -> {
            if (formState.hasErrors) {
                //do something...
                val errorMessage = formState.message
        FormState.FormCanceled -> {
            //do something...
        FormState.FormClosed -> {
            //do something...
        FormState.FormOpened -> {
            //do something...
        is FormState.FormSent -> {
            //do something...
            val postedObject = formState.feedbackPostModel
            //postedObject is the object that contains the form data that has been submitted. 
        FormState.Loading -> {
            //do something...
        is FormState.HasNotBeenShown -> {
          //do something...
          //check why the form did not shown up:
          val reasonOfWhyDidNotShowUp = formState.reason

If some of the States will not be used, just set the else and empty curly braces:

mopinion.event(event) { formState ->
    when (formState) {
        is FormState.Error -> {
            if (formState.hasErrors) {
                //do something...
                val errorMessage = formState.message
        is FormState.FormSent -> {
            //do something...
            val postedObject = formState.feedbackPostModel
            //postedObject is the object that contains the form data that has been submitted. 
        else -> {
            //do nothing.

Java Example:

class SomeClass extends AppCompatActivity {
  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    mopinion.event("action", formState -> {
      if (formState instanceof FormState.Loading) {
            //do something...
      if (formState instanceof FormState.FormOpened) {
        //do something...
      if (formState instanceof FormState.FormSent) {
        //do something...
        // So we can extract the posted object.
        FeedbackPostModel postedObject = ((FormState.FormSent) formState).getFeedbackPostModel();
      if (formState instanceof FormState.FormCanceled) {
        //do something...
      if (formState instanceof FormState.FormClosed) {
        //do something...
      if (formState instanceof FormState.Error) {
        //do something...
        // It is possible to check if it has errors and extract the error message.
        if (((FormState.Error) formState).getHasErrors()) {
            String errorMessage = ((FormState.Error) formState).getMessage();
      if (formState instanceof FormState.HasNotBeenShown) {
        //do something...
        //check why the form did not show up:
        Reason reasonOfWhyDidNotShowUp = ((FormState.HasNotBeenShown) formState).getReason();

      return Unit.INSTANCE;

If some of the States will not be used, just do not implement the if sentence. Always keep the return Unit.INSTANCE in Java.

Flutter Integration

To be able to use our Native SDK in a Flutter project, please go to the Flutter Integration SDK repository and follow the instructions.