MorenaBarboni / SuMo-SOlidity-MUtator

A mutation testing tool for Solidity Smart Contracts
GNU General Public License v3.0
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SuMo is a mutation testing tool for Solidity Smart Contracts. It features 25 Solidity-specific mutation operators, as well as 19 traditional operators.

SuMo was designed to run mutation testing on Solidity projects in a NodeJS environment. It can run test using Truffle, Hardhat, Brownie and Forge. If needed, SuMo can also automatically spawn Ganache instances to guarantee a clean-room testing environment between mutants.

Table of Contents


To install sumo run npm install @morenabarboni/sumo

Configuration ⚙️

Before using SuMo you must specify your desired configuration in a sumo-config.js in the root directory of your project. The sumo-config.js is automatically generated upon installation.

Here's a simple example of sumo-config.js:

module.exports = {
  buildDir: 'build',
  contractsDir: 'contracts',
  testDir: 'test',
  skipContracts: ['contractName.sol'], // Relative paths from contractsDir
  skipTests: ['testFileName.js'], // Relative paths from testDir
  testingTimeOutInSec: 300,
  network: "none",
  testingFramework: "truffle",
  minimal: false,
  tce: false

1) SUT directories

These (optional) fields identify relevant project directories.

Field Description Default Value
contractsDir| relative path to the directory of the contracts to be mutated | contracts
testDir| relative path to the directory of the tests to be evaluated | test/tests
buildDir| relative path to the directory of the compilation artifacts | build/out/artifacts

2) Mutation Process

These fields allow to configure the mutation testing process:

Field Description Default Value
minimal| use minimal mutation rules | false
skipContracts| blacklist of relative paths to contract files (or folders) | []
skipTests| blacklist of relative paths to test files (or folders) | []
tce| use the Trivial Compiler Equivalence | false
testingTimeOutInSec| seconds after which a mutant is marked as timed-out during testing | 300

3) Testing Interface

These fields specify what testing framework and blockchain simulator SuMo should use to conduct mutation testing:

Field Description Available Options Default Value
network| the blockchain simulator to be used | ganache, none | none
testingFramework| the testing framework to be used for compiling and testing the smart contracts | brownie, forge, hardhat, truffle, custom | truffle

Truffle and Hardhat

When choosing truffle or hardhat:


When choosing brownie:


When choosing forge :


CLI Usage

Selecting the Mutation Operators

Before starting the mutation process you can choose which mutation operators to use:

Command Description Usage Example
list Shows the enabled mutation operators. npx/yarn sumo list $ npx sumo list
enable Enables one or more mutation operators. If no operator IDs are specified, all of them are enabled. npx/yarn sumo enable [...ID] $ npx sumo enable
$ npx sumo enable AOR BOR
disable Disables one or more mutation operators. If no operator IDs are specified, all of them are disabled. npx/yarn sumo disable [...ID] $ npx sumo disable
$ npx sumo disable FVR

Viewing the available mutations

Command Description Usage Example
lookup Generates the mutations and saves them to ./sumo/generated.csv without starting mutation testing. npx/yarn sumo lookup $ npx sumo lookup
mutate Generates the mutations and saves a copy of each .sol mutant to to ./sumo/mutants. npx/yarn sumo mutate $ npx sumo mutate

Running Mutation Testing

Command Description Usage Example
pretest Runs the test suite on the original smart contracts to check if all tests pass and can be successfully evaluated. Pretest is automatically run when sumo test is executed. npx/yarn sumo pretest $ npx sumo pretest
test Starts the mutation testing process. You can also choose a single mutant / an interval of mutants to be tested by sepcifying <startHash> and (optionally) <endHash>.| npx/yarn sumo test <startHash> <endHash> | $ npx sumo test
$ npx sumo test mbc5e8f56 mbg5t86o6
restore Restores the SUT files to a clean version. This should be executed if you suddenly interrupt the mutation process. Note that the restore command overwrites your codebase with the files stored in the sumo/baseline folder. If you need to restore the project files, make sure to do so before performing other operations as the baseline is automatically refreshed on subsequent preflight or test runs.| $ npx/yarn sumo restore | $ npx sumo restore

Viewing the results

SuMo automatically creates a sumo\results folder in the root directory of the project with the following reports:

Trivial Compiler Equivalence

The Trivial Compiler Equivalence compares the smart contract bytecode to detect equivalences between mutants and it can only work if:

  1. the solc compiler optimization is enabled;
  2. no metadata hash is appended to the contract bytecode.

1) TCE for Truffle and Hardhat

If your testingFramework is truffle or hardhat, you must add the following to your truffle-config.js or hardhat.config.js file:

 compilers: {
    solc: {
        optimizer: {
            enabled: true,
            runs: 200
        metadata: {
              bytecodeHash: "none"

2)TCE for Brownie

If your testingFramework is brownie, you must add the following to your brownie-config.yaml file:

        optimize: true
        runs: 200

3) TCE for Forge

If your testingFramework is forge you must add the following to your foundry.toml file:

optimizer = true
optimizer-runs = 200

4) TCE for Hybrid Test Suites

If your testingFramework is custom but you still rely on a single testing framework you can refer to the previous sections.

However, if you are using custom to evaluate hybrid test suites (e.g., forge and hardhat) you must make sure that the sumo configuration is consistent.

For example, consider the following package.json scripts:

 scripts: {
    compile: "hardhat compile",
    test "hardhat test --bail && forge test --fail-fast"

If you make SuMo use hardhat to compile the contracts, make sure that the buildDir points to the hardhat compiled artifacts and not to the forge ones, and vice versa.

Mutation Operators 👾

SuMo includes currently 25 Solidity-specific operators and 19 Traditional operators.

Minimal Mutation Rules

Some mutation operators foresee a minimal version:

By default, SuMo employs the extended operators. However, you can enable the minimal rules from the sumo-config.js file.

Traditional Mutation Operators

Operator Name Mutation Example Minimal version available
ACM Argument Change of overloaded Method call overloadedFunc(a,b);overloadedFunc(a,b,c); N
AOR Assignment Operator Replacement +== Y
BCRD Break and Continue Replacement
and Deletion
BLR Boolean Literal Replacement truefalse N
BOR Binary Operator Replacement +-
CBD Catch Block Deletion catch{} N
CSC Conditional Statement Change if(condition)if(false)
ER Enum Replacemet enum.member1enum.member2 Y
ECS Explicit Conversion to Smaller type uint256uint8 N
HLR Hexadecimal Literal Replacement hex\"01\"hex\"random\" N
ICM Increments Mirror -==- N
ILR Integer Literal Replacement 10 N
LCS Loop Statement Change while(condition)while(false) N
OLFD Overloaded Function Deletion function overloadedF(){} N
ORFD Overridden Function Deletion function f() override {} N
SKI Super Keyword Insertion x = getData()x = super.getData() N
SKD Super Keyword Deletion x = super.getData()x = getData() N
SLR String Literal Replacement "string""" N
UORD Unary Operator Replacement and Deletion ++--

Solidity Mutation Operators

Operator Name Mutation Example Minimal version available
AVR Address Value Replacement 0x67ED2e5dD3d0...address.this() N
CCD Contract Constructor Deletion constructor(){} N
DLR Data Location Keyword Replacement memorystorage N
DOD Delete Operator Deletion delete N
ETR Ether Transfer function Replacement delegatecall()call() N
EED Event Emission Deletion emit Deposit(...)/*emit Deposit(...)*/ N
EHC Exception Handling Change require(...)/*require(...)*/ N
FVR Function Visibility Replacement function f() publicfunction f() private Y
GVR Global Variable Replacement msg.value()tx.gasprice() Y
MCR Mathematical and Cryptographic
function Replacement
MOD Modifier Deletion function f() onlyOwnerfunction f() Y
MOI Modifier Insertion function f()function f() onlyOwner Y
MOC Modifier Order Change function f() modA modBfunction f() modB modA Y
MOR Modifier Replacement function f() onlyOwnerfunction f() onlyAdmin Y
OMD Overridden Modifier Deletion modifier m() override {} N
PKD Payable Keyword Deletion function f() payablefunction f() N
RSD Return Statement Deletion return amount;//return amount; N
RVS Return Values Swap return (1, "msg", 100);return (100, "msg", 1); Y
SFD Selfdestruct Deletion selfdestruct();//selfdestruct(); N
SFI Selfdestruct Insertion doSomething; selfdestruct();selfdestruct(); doSomething; N
SFR SafeMath Function Replacement SafeMath.addSafeMath.sub Y
SCEC Switch Call Expression Casting Contract c = Contract(0x86C9...);Contract c = Contract(0x67ED...); N
TOR Transaction Origin Replacement msg.sendertx.origin N
VUR Variable Unit Replacement weiether
VVR Variable Visibility Replacement uint private data;uint public data; Y


To cite SuMo, please use the following:

  title = {SuMo: A mutation testing approach and tool for the Ethereum blockchain},
  journal = {Journal of Systems and Software},
  volume = {193},
  pages = {111445},
  year = {2022},
  issn = {0164-1212},
  doi = {},
  author = {Morena Barboni and Andrea Morichetta and Andrea Polini}