MorganBergen / clarity

Advanced ML for Nutritional Analysis and Healthcare Management
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Advanced ML for Nutritional Analysis and Healthcare Management

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started
  2. Introduction
  3. Users
  4. Features
  5. Functionality
  6. Tools and Technologies
  7. Architecture
  8. Additional Resources
  9. Project Phase Plan

Getting Started

Install Dependencies
1. `cd ./clarity` - navigate to the clarity root directory 2. `npm init-y` - initialize npm in the clarity root directory 3. `cd ./clarity/client` - navigate to the client directory 4. `npm init-y` - initialize npm in the client directory 5. `npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled redux react-redux axios` - install dependencies 6. `npm install @mui/icons-material` - install material ui icons 7. `cd ./clarity/server` - navigate to the server directory 8. `npm init-y` - initialize npm in the server directory 9. `npm install express pocketbase` - install dependencies 10. `npm install --save-dev nodemon` - install nodemon as a development dependency 11. install [`pocketbase`]( 12. move `pocketbase` into the `./clarity/backend` directory
Run the Application 1. `cd ./clarity/server` - navigate to the server directory 2. `npm run dev` - start the server 3. open a new terminal window 4. `cd ./clarity/backend/pocketbase` - navigate to the pocketbase directory 5. `./pocketbase serve` - execute the `pocketbase` executable file to start the server 6. open a new terminal window 7. `cd ./clarity/client` - navigate to the client directory 8. `npm start` - start the client 9. `grok http http://localhost:3000` - view the application in the browser
Output from successfully running the Application ##****## `npm run dev` - terminal 1 ```bash > clarity-backend@1.0.0 dev > nodemon server.js [nodemon] 3.1.4 [nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs` [nodemon] watching path(s): *.* [nodemon] watching extensions: js,mjs,cjs,json [nodemon] starting `node server.js` server is running on port 5001 ``` #### `./pocketbase serve` - terminal 2 ```bash 2024/09/19 11:04:40 Server started at ├─ REST API: └─ Admin UI: ``` #### `npm start` - terminal 3 ```bash Compiled successfully! You can now view client in the browser. Local: http://localhost:3000 On Your Network: Note that the development build is not optimized. To create a production build, use npm run build. webpack compiled successfully ```
Package.json and Dependency Overview
`package.json` provides metadata, dependencies, scripts, configuration, engines, versioning, and repository information for the project. metadata contains the `name`, `version`, `description`, `main`, `scripts`, `keywords`, `author`, `dependencies`, `devDependencies`, and `license` of the project when cloning the project and running `npm install`, the dependencies are automatically installed and this ensures that the project has all the necessary libraries to run correctly. the scripts define custom commands for the project, such as `start`, `build`, `test`, `dev`, by running `npm run Githubissues.
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