Morisset / PyNeb_devel

PyNeb development repository
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abundances astronomy nebular python

PyNeb (Luridiana V., Morisset C. and Shaw, R. A 2013) is a modern python tool to compute emission line emissivities (recombination and collisionally excited lines).

In PyNeb, the atom is represented as an n-level atom. For given density and temperature, PyNeb's machinery solves the equilibrium equations and determines the level populations. These are some of the things it can do:

PyNeb also incorporates emissivity tables of recombination lines for a few atoms. The interpolated emissivities can be used by any of the module that rely on the n-level line emissivities to carry out the actions listed above.

Emission line ratios are used to self consistently determine electron temperature and density and ionic abundances Diagnostic diagrams can easily be plotted. Various ionization correction factors (ICFs) from the literarure are available to obtain total elemental abundances from the ionic abundances. Atomic data can easily be changed and updated. Additional tools are provided, like reddening determination and correction procedures, Balmer/Pashen jump temperature determinations.


PyNeb uses numpy, matplotlib, pyfits, scipy and other standard python libraries.


You may find useful to download, install and upgrade PyNeb using pip <>_.

For example:

Note: you MAY need --user if you installed python without Anaconda or Canopy

Updates use the same command.

You can also install from the github repository:

To use the development branch (at your own risks!!!):


PyNeb is provided as it is. No warranty at all.


Discussion Groups


This project is partly supported by grants DGAPA/PAPIIT-107215 and CONACyT-CB2015-254132.

PyNeb uses part of Chiantipy:

Copyright 2009, 2010 Kenneth P. Dere This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License that is found in the LICENSE file