Morningstar88 / China

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Notes. 5 Year Plans etc. #1

Open Morningstar88 opened 1 week ago

Morningstar88 commented 1 week ago

Awareness of the Five-Year Plans among low-literate people in rural China can vary significantly. Here are some factors that influence their awareness:

  1. Government Outreach: The Chinese government uses various methods to disseminate information about the Five-Year Plans, including public meetings, local government announcements, and community programs. These efforts aim to ensure that even those with low literacy levels are informed about key policies and initiatives.

  2. Media: Radio, television, and increasingly, mobile phones are used to broadcast information about the plans. These media channels can reach a wide audience, including those in rural areas.

  3. Community Leaders: Local leaders and officials often play a crucial role in communicating the goals and initiatives of the Five-Year Plans to their communities. They may hold meetings or use word-of-mouth to spread information.

  4. Educational Programs: Some regions implement educational programs to improve literacy and awareness of government policies. These programs can help bridge the information gap for low-literate populations.

  5. Practical Impact: People in rural areas may become aware of the plans through their practical impact on daily life, such as new infrastructure projects, agricultural policies, or social welfare programs.

While these efforts help increase awareness, challenges remain in ensuring that all segments of the population fully understand and engage with the Five-Year Plans. Continuous efforts are needed to improve communication and education in rural areas.

Would you like to know more about any specific initiatives or programs aimed at increasing awareness?

Morningstar88 commented 1 week ago

Local media plays a crucial role in disseminating information about China's Five-Year Plans, ensuring that the objectives and policies reach a broad audience, including those in rural and less literate areas. Here are some key ways local media contributes:

  1. Broadcasting: Television and radio are widely used to broadcast information about the Five-Year Plans. These mediums are particularly effective in reaching rural areas where literacy rates might be lower.

  2. Newspapers and Magazines: Local newspapers and magazines publish articles, editorials, and special features explaining the key points of the plans. These publications often use simplified language and visuals to make the information more accessible.

  3. Online Platforms: With the rise of digital media, local news websites and social media platforms play an increasingly important role. They provide updates, infographics, and interactive content to engage a younger, tech-savvy audience.

  4. Community Programs: Local media often collaborates with community leaders and organizations to hold informational sessions and workshops. These events help explain the plans in a more interactive and personal manner.

  5. Public Service Announcements: Local media outlets run public service announcements (PSAs) that highlight important aspects of the Five-Year Plans. These PSAs are designed to be easily understood and memorable.

  6. Educational Programs: Some local media channels produce educational programs that delve into the details of the Five-Year Plans, often featuring experts and government officials who explain the implications and benefits.

These efforts ensure that the goals and initiatives of the Five-Year Plans are communicated effectively to all segments of the population, helping to foster a better understanding and support for the government's policies.

Is there a specific aspect of local media's role you'd like to explore further?

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 9/10/2024 (1) China’s 14th Five-Year Plan: A First Look - CRS Reports. (2) Unlocking the Secrets of China’s Future - Center for Security and .... (3) China to advance major programs in 14th Five-Year Plan to harness key .... (4) Five-year plans of China - Wikipedia. (5) China’s 14th Five-Year Plan: A First Look - CRS Reports.

Morningstar88 commented 1 week ago

In Mandarin, 干活 (gàn huó) and 工作 (gōng zuò) both refer to work, but they have different connotations:

So, while 干活 (gàn huó) can imply physical labor, 工作 (gōng zuò) is a broader term that encompasses all types of work. Does that help clarify the difference for you?

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 9/10/2024 (1) (work)Chinese grammar, difference between 工作gōngzuò ... - YouTube. (2) UPDATED 2.4 GANYU GUIDE! Complete MELT and FREEZE Builds, Weapons, Teams, and MORE - Genshin Impact. (3) GANYU - COMPLETE GUIDE - MELT & FREEZE, Weapon Comparisons, Artifacts & Teams | Genshin Impact. (4) gōngzuò ( 工作 ) - English meaning, Chinese ideograms and ... - YouTube. (5) Learn Chinese in 3 easy steps: Jobs - gōngzuò - YouTube. (6) undefined. (7) undefined. (8) undefined. (9) undefined.

Morningstar88 commented 1 week ago

Here are some additional Mandarin words related to work:

  1. 上班 (shàng bān) - Start work
  2. 下班 (xià bān) - Finish work
  3. 加班 (jiā bān) - Work overtime
  4. 办公室 (bàn gōng shì) - Office
  5. 工厂 (gōng chǎng) - Factory
  6. 出差 (chū chāi) - Business trip
  7. 职业 (zhí yè) - Occupation
  8. 薪水 (xīn shuǐ) - Salary
  9. 工作日 (gōng zuò rì) - Workday
  10. 老板 (lǎo bǎn) - Boss
  11. 同事 (tóng shì) - Colleague
  12. 会议 (huì yì) - Meeting
  13. 项目 (xiàng mù) - Project
  14. 任务 (rèn wù) - Task
  15. 合同 (hé tong) - Contract

These terms cover various aspects of work life, from daily routines to specific roles and activities¹²³. If you have any specific context or scenario in mind, feel free to ask!

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 9/10/2024 (1) 88 Business Chinese Vocabulary Terms (Including Audio and Examples). (2) Complete List of 250 + Mandarin Professions & Job Titles - ImproveMandarin. (3) Chinese in the Workplace: 35 Key Phrases - LC Chinese School. (4) Chinese in the Workplace: 35 Key Phrases - LC Chinese School.

Morningstar88 commented 1 week ago

Sure! The phrase 传宗接代 (chuán zōng jiē dài) means "to continue the bloodline" or "to carry on the family line." Let's break it down:

Together, 传宗接代 (chuán zōng jiē dài) emphasizes the importance of continuing the family lineage, often through having children, particularly sons, in traditional contexts.


  1. 在传统家庭中,传宗接代被视为非常重要的责任。

    • In traditional families, continuing the bloodline is considered a very important responsibility.
  2. 他觉得有压力,因为家里希望他能传宗接代。

    • He feels pressured because his family hopes he will continue the bloodline.
  3. 虽然现代社会观念改变了,但一些人仍然重视传宗接代。

    • Although modern societal views have changed, some people still value continuing the bloodline.

Does this help clarify the meaning and usage of 传宗接代 (chuán zōng jiē dài) for you?

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 9/10/2024 (1) Chinese Idioms: 21 Useful Chengyu (in Chinese and English). (2) 42 Most Common and Useful Chinese Idioms - Let's Chinese. (3) 119 Common English Idioms With Their Meanings and Examples - DoTEFL.

Morningstar88 commented 1 week ago

Balancing the growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (commonly known as baker's yeast) when using limes involves managing several factors, including pH, sugar content, and nutrient availability. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. pH Levels: Saccharomyces cerevisiae thrives in slightly acidic conditions, typically around pH 4.0 to 6.0². Limes are highly acidic, with a pH around 2.0 to 2.5, which can inhibit yeast growth. To balance this, you can dilute lime juice or adjust the pH using a buffer solution to bring it within the optimal range for yeast growth².

  2. Sugar Content: Yeast requires sugars to ferment and grow. Limes are not particularly high in sugars, so you might need to add an additional sugar source, such as glucose or sucrose, to support yeast growth⁴.

  3. Nutrient Availability: Yeast needs various nutrients, including nitrogen, vitamins, and minerals, to grow effectively. While limes provide some nutrients, they may not be sufficient on their own. Supplementing with yeast nutrients or a nutrient-rich medium can help ensure the yeast has everything it needs³.

  4. Temperature: Maintaining an optimal temperature is crucial for yeast activity. Saccharomyces cerevisiae generally performs well at temperatures between 25°C and 30°C³.

  5. Oxygen Levels: Yeast can grow both aerobically (with oxygen) and anaerobically (without oxygen). However, for fermentation processes, limiting oxygen exposure is often beneficial³.

By carefully managing these factors, you can create an environment that either stimulates or inhibits the growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae as needed. If you have a specific application in mind, such as brewing or baking, the exact balance might vary slightly.

Do you have a particular project or experiment you're working on with yeast and limes?

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 9/10/2024 (1) Effects of high medium pH on growth, metabolism and transport in.[1]( (2) Impact of sugar complexity on the process of fermentation in ....[2]( (3) Anaerobiosis revisited: growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae under .... (4) Growth and Maintenance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Yeast. (5) Yeast Maintenance (video) | JoVE - JoVE Wordpress Development. (6) undefined.[3](

Morningstar88 commented 1 week ago

I know the real reason.. west ran into China hoping to get a place to make their goods cheap and still maintain the quality..

all foreign firms in China handed over all production to the Chinese to run so that they could maximize profits..

well the Chinese are not dumb they wanted to be paid too so they squeezed quality of output to put more $$ in their own pockets..

in time the consumers in the west of all Chinese products realized they paid good money for garbage.

the ruse is over..

time to bail to the next set of countries and wash and rinse and repeat.

guess who is behind all of this?

Morningstar88 commented 1 week ago

A number of foreign firms that once rushed into China to catch a rising tide are now retrenching. Last month, the beauty retailer Sephora, an arm of the French luxury group LVMH, announced that it was cutting jobs because of “the challenging market.” IBM is shutting its two research and development centers in China.

And policymakers trying to respond are hindered because they cannot rely on a principal fix that worked in the past. For years, local governments borrowed money for splashy development projects that kept people working and the construction sector booming — even if there wasn’t an actual need for that much infrastructure.

But the debt from that borrowing, often funneled through opaque funding channels, has ballooned to more than $7 trillion. With investors already jittery about China’s financial system, the days of lavish borrowing for vanity infrastructure are unlikely to return anytime soon.

The Chinese government has signaled its alarm by restricting access to data about the markets and economy. Last year, it suspended releasing youth unemployment figures when the number reached record highs. It started distributing the information again this year, with a new methodology that lowered the figures.

To quell discussion of a major economic crisis, officials have warned some economists not to draw public comparisons between China’s problems and the collapse of Japan’s debt-fueled property bubble in the 1980s, which weighed on its economy for decades.

China’s debt is difficult to ignore, however.

While the housing sector’s collapse has caused much collateral damage, the risk of insolvency is minimized by China’s tightly controlled financial system. The danger is that the government could have fewer fiscal resources to deploy to keep things from unraveling.

“The consequences for this fiscal crisis is less growth,” said Alicia Garcia-Herrero, chief economist for the Asia-Pacific region at the investment bank Natixis.

The economic uncertainty has left Chinese savers and foreign investors alike scrambling for safe places to park their money. Real estate prices continue to plunge, and Chinese stocks are underperforming compared with those in just about every other major country, including the United States, Japan and India.

Foreign funds have turned into net sellers of Chinese equities in 2024, which would be the first annual outflow since the data became available a decade earlier. Shares of around 180 Chinese companies have been removed from a critical stock market index since the start of the year, reducing the presence of Chinese firms in global benchmarks.

Morningstar88 commented 6 days ago

infinite growth paradigm. The west is broke, citizens are not buying any trinkets and junk like they used to. Everybody owns TVs, computers, tablets, ereaders, tools, shelves, iphones, bits and bobs. people are over saturated in garbage. Some are so saturated they have piles of junk stuffed into every crevice of their home. Others are burned out on it and walking away from the endless purchasing. Buying isnt special anymore, no mall trips, no saving all week to do a splurge on the weekends with window shopping. Now its just instant gratification from amazon et al. Little by little people just stop participating at the level china requires for constant production. Hence their focus on third world, whitey is tapped out, now its time to hit up the others.

Morningstar88 commented 6 days ago


Morningstar88 commented 6 days ago

Morningstar88 commented 6 days ago

Xi, Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

Morningstar88 commented 6 days ago

Xi on the future:

Morningstar88 commented 6 days ago

Xi: Our own path.

Morningstar88 commented 5 days ago

Absolutely, sitting and letting other musicians approach you can simplify things significantly. Here are some problems it can help avoid, listed in both HSK 3 Mandarin and English:

  1. 避免尴尬的开场 (Bìmiǎn gāngà de kāichǎng) - Avoiding awkward openings
  2. 减少被拒绝的风险 (Jiǎnshǎo bèi jùjué de fēngxiǎn) - Reducing the risk of rejection
  3. 节省精力 (Jiéshěng jīnglì) - Saving energy
  4. 吸引志同道合的人 (Xīyǐn zhì tóng dào hé de rén) - Attracting like-minded people
  5. 创造更自然的互动 (Chuàngzào gèng zìrán de hùdòng) - Creating more natural interactions
  6. 避免打扰他人 (Bìmiǎn dǎrǎo tārén) - Avoiding disturbing others
  7. 减少社交压力 (Jiǎnshǎo shèjiāo yālì) - Reducing social pressure
  8. 让对方更主动 (Ràng duìfāng gèng zhǔdòng) - Allowing the other party to be more proactive
  9. 提高成功率 (Tígāo chénggōng lǜ) - Increasing the success rate
  10. 建立更好的第一印象 (Jiànlì gèng hǎo de dì yī yìnxiàng) - Creating a better first impression

By letting others approach you, you can create a more relaxed and inviting atmosphere, making it easier for genuine connections to form.

Cheers and happy jamming! 🎶

Is there anything else you'd like to explore?

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 9/12/2024 (1) Tips for Joining Your First Jam Session - Making Music Magazine. (2) Jam session from the drummer’s perspective - Skillz Drum Lessons. (3) [DISCUSSION] What do people mean when they say "let's jam"? - Reddit.

Morningstar88 commented 5 days ago

Absolutely, sitting and letting other musicians approach you can simplify things significantly. Here are some problems it can help avoid, listed in both HSK 3 Mandarin and English:

  1. 避免尴尬的开场 (Bìmiǎn gāngà de kāichǎng) - Avoiding awkward openings
  2. 减少被拒绝的风险 (Jiǎnshǎo bèi jùjué de fēngxiǎn) - Reducing the risk of rejection
  3. 节省精力 (Jiéshěng jīnglì) - Saving energy
  4. 吸引志同道合的人 (Xīyǐn zhì tóng dào hé de rén) - Attracting like-minded people
  5. 创造更自然的互动 (Chuàngzào gèng zìrán de hùdòng) - Creating more natural interactions
  6. 避免打扰他人 (Bìmiǎn dǎrǎo tārén) - Avoiding disturbing others
  7. 减少社交压力 (Jiǎnshǎo shèjiāo yālì) - Reducing social pressure
  8. 让对方更主动 (Ràng duìfāng gèng zhǔdòng) - Allowing the other party to be more proactive
  9. 提高成功率 (Tígāo chénggōng lǜ) - Increasing the success rate
  10. 建立更好的第一印象 (Jiànlì gèng hǎo de dì yī yìnxiàng) - Creating a better first impression

By letting others approach you, you can create a more relaxed and inviting atmosphere, making it easier for genuine connections to form.

Cheers and happy jamming! 🎶

Is there anything else you'd like to explore?

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 9/12/2024 (1) Tips for Joining Your First Jam Session - Making Music Magazine. (2) Jam session from the drummer’s perspective - Skillz Drum Lessons. (3) [DISCUSSION] What do people mean when they say "let's jam"? - Reddit.

Morningstar88 commented 5 days ago

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Morningstar88 commented 4 days ago

你提到的「基礎設施」中文可以翻譯為「基礎設施」。這些基礎設施包括網路、電信網、電力網、交通網等,可以把這些基礎設施視為中國現代化進程的關鍵因素,它們的發展和改善對中國經濟社會進步至關重要。開源軟體。開放原始碼軟體.開源軟體.開源軟體.開源軟體.開源軟體.開源軟體.開源軟體.開源軟體.開源軟體.開源軟體.開源軟體.開源軟體.開源軟體.開源軟體.開源軟體.開源軟體.開源軟體.開源軟體.開源軟體.開源軟體.開源軟體。閉源。閉源。閉源。社區。社區。社區。社區。社區。社區。社區。社區。社區。社區。社區。社區。 Linux核心。 Linux核心。 Linux 核心 Linux 核心。 Linux核心。 Linux核心。 Linux核心。 Linux核心。 Linux核心。 Linux核心。 Linux 風格。 Linux 風格。 Linux 風格。 Linux 風格。 。基礎設施。基礎設施。基礎設施。基礎設施。基礎設施.基礎設施。基礎設施。基礎設施。基礎設施。基礎設施。

Morningstar88 commented 4 days ago

Software Infrastructure.

Morningstar88 commented 4 days ago

lemon beer. lemon wine. ginger beer. ginger wine. I am studying how to make beer. lemon beer. lemon wine. ginger beer. ginger wine. I am studying how to make beer. lemon beer. lemon wine. ginger beer. ginger wine. I am studying how to make beer. lemon beer. lemon wine. ginger beer. ginger wine. I am studying how to make beer. lemon beer. lemon wine. ginger beer. ginger wine. I am studying how to make beer. lemon beer. lemon wine. ginger beer. ginger wine. I am studying how to make beer. lemon beer. lemon wine. ginger beer. ginger wine. I am studying how to make beer. lemon beer. lemon wine. ginger beer. ginger wine. I am studying how to make beer.

Morningstar88 commented 4 days ago

Are we not all travellers? Do we not all journey through the vertigi

Having casually studied this problem for 15 years, I finally realized that the problem is not destitute travelers. It’s pretending to be destitute travelers and locals.

I’ve been all round DongNanYa the past year, looking for a new country after COVID destroyed the Taipei business institute I worked for. I was there for 5 years.

I ran into these type of people, who I have started calling the NGO kids, for want of a better term. They are only 5% of any given city, but they lay waste to informal assistance networks, by consistently acting in bad faith.

There’s a whole generation of young Asians who have figured out that all you have to do is make a sad face at the nearest white dude, and they will pay out. Big. Making white people guilty is a sodding industry. Christians are frequently, methodically targeted.

My efforts have failed for several reasons:

I kept communication unwritten, face to face only. It was non-public. I let too much bratty behaviour go. Way too much. My bad. My fault. Wo ben dan.

So let’s invert this. A realistic assistance network, or social safety net, should be:

Written down, and clearly accountable. Use simple forms, not uncomfortable conversations. That includes wheedling emails, and soft-asking messages. Keep it public. Kickstarter et al do a good job of keeping all numbers in plain public view. This outright forces community accountability. Use streamlined, standardized, quick to fill in forms. Forms are the bedrock and backbone of a modern civilization. You cannot whine at, guilt trip, or backstab a form. It sits immutable. You fill it out, or feck oof. Keep your distance from these people, all pretending to be down to their last meal. In short… how can crowdfunding be further open sourced, fragmented, specialized and localized?

Morningstar88 commented 4 days ago

Absolutely! The measure word "件" (jiàn) is also used for various non-clothing items. Here are some examples:

  1. 一件礼物 (yī jiàn lǐwù) - a gift
  2. 一件家具 (yī jiàn jiājù) - a piece of furniture
  3. 一件行李 (yī jiàn xínglǐ) - a piece of luggage
  4. 一件事情 (yī jiàn shìqíng) - a matter or an affair
  5. 一件艺术品 (yī jiàn yìshùpǐn) - an artwork
  6. 一件工具 (yī jiàn gōngjù) - a tool
  7. 一件设备 (yī jiàn shèbèi) - a piece of equipment
  8. 一件商品 (yī jiàn shāngpǐn) - a product or a commodity
  9. 一件文件 (yī jiàn wénjiàn) - a document
  10. 一件纪念品 (yī jiàn jìniànpǐn) - a souvenir

These examples show how versatile the measure word "件" (jiàn) can be in Mandarin. If you have any more questions or need further examples, feel free to ask!

Morningstar88 commented 4 days ago


Morningstar88 commented 4 days ago

Morningstar88 commented 4 days ago

Sure, here is the revised version with English annotations:

“禮義廉恥” (Lǐ Yì Lián Chǐ) are four important moral concepts in traditional Chinese culture, representing propriety, righteousness, integrity, and a sense of shame. These concepts are considered fundamental in Confucian thought for maintaining social order and personal virtue.

These concepts have had a profound influence on Chinese culture and continue to guide many people's lives and actions today. Do you have any specific thoughts or questions about these concepts?

Morningstar88 commented 3 days ago


Confucius Core Tenets


Morningstar88 commented 3 days ago

Offended by everything. Ashamed at nothing. That's people in a nutshell.