Motivesoft / vscode-weather-status

VS Code plugin to display the weather in the statusbar
MIT License
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Weather Status

This extension displays the current weather in the VS Code status bar. The weather is updated regularly while VS Code is running.

The extension uses the weather service. For details about this service, see the project's GitHub page.

Note that this is intended only to display current weather conditions. It does not provide any sort of weather alerts or warnings.

Note: There is an alternate version of this extension, vscode-weather-status-open-meteo, that uses a different weather service provider but otherwise offers similar features.
If either of the associated weather services becomes unreliable or unavailable, try switching to the alternate extension.


The extension will automatically start and display weather information in the status bar. The weather will be based on a best guess of your location, initially. If preferred, there is a configuration setting where you can enter a specific location. For best results, enter the name of a local city as the weather service will not be able to return a valid result if the location is unknown to the weather service.

See Extension Settings for configuration details.


The extension calls a third-party weather service at regular intervals, requesting various bits of information to display in the statusbar. The information displayed can be adjusted in configuration, as can the location to obtain weather details for.

The command Update Weather Status can be used to force the weather status to refresh at any time. If the user's location has not been configured in settings, the wather service will approximate the location from the user's IP address.

The command Set Weather Location will allow the user to enter the name of their nearest city for most accurate weather information. Users of Visual Studio Code for the Web will be required to do this before any weather data is displayed.


The service currently obtains weather details from

This extension cannot function without the data provided by this weather service. Any outages are outside the control of the author of this extension.

Other weather providers may be considered and added to this extension if considered appropriate.

Extension Settings

This extension contributes the following settings:

Setting Description Default Value
vscode-weather-status.location The city for which to obtain the weather status. Best guess by the weather service
vscode-weather-status.format The information and format to display. %C %t %h %w
vscode-weather-status.language The two-letter language code to use. English
vscode-weather-status.update-message Enable/disable display of a message whenever the weather status is updated. Disabled

See the section on one line output to get a sense of the format options, and the remainder of its for language and location hints.

Known Issues

None at this time, but always with the caveat that this extension relies on a third party weather service and cannot control the availability and accuracy of this service.

If the weather service becomes permanently unavailable to this extension, an alternative may be implemented or this extension will be deprecated.

The configuration settings for location and information to display are not validated by this extension as they are provided, and validated, by the weather service itself.

If, for any reason, the call to the weather service fails, whether it is because the service is temporarily unavailable, over capacity or the configuration settings are invalid, then the display will change to 'n/a' and the tooltip will display any error message obtained.

In the event the service reports a 503 error, it is likely to be that the weather service itself is temporarily broken. If the error is a 404, it is most likely that you have configured a location for the weather that the service does not know. Modify the location to the name of the city closest to your desired location or consult the weather service for other location hints.

Release Notes



