MovingBlocks / CrashReporter

A little utility for making crash reporting easier from different projects. Automation category: Terasology Library
Apache License 2.0
7 stars 9 forks source link


Build Status Release License(code) Discord Server

A crash reporting tool


It enables users to upload their game log and redirects them to different support sites.

Publish a New Release

Publishing a new release requires to merge all changes from develop into master, bump the version number and add a Git tag. The following steps describe how this is done.

Be sure that your local workspace is up to date by fetching and merging from upstream before starting the process. This guide assumes that you've added movingblocks as remote for the upstream repository, e.g., by executing

git remote add movingblocks

Prepare Release (branch: develop, local workspace)

  1. Update version in, remove the SNAPSHOT suffix
    e.g. version=4.1.0

  2. Update CHANGELOG/README (if necessary)

  3. Commit the changes
    e.g. git commit -m "Release 4.2.0"

  4. Create a tag for the release
    e.g. git tag -a 'v3.1.0' -m "Version 3.1.0"

  5. Merge develop into master (local workspace)

    git checkout master
    git merge --ff-only develop

    Release (branch: master)

  6. Push local master branch to upstream
    git push --tags movingblocks master

  7. Verify that the Jenkins job build succeeded and the new release is working

  8. Close GitHub milestones or issues, if applicable

Prepare Next Release (branch: develop)

  1. Update version in to prepare for next release
    e.g. version=4.1.1-SNAPSHOT
  2. Update CHANGELOG/README (if necessary)
  3. Commit the changes
    e.g. git commit -m "Version 4.1.1-SNAPSHOT"
  4. Push local develop branch to upstream
    git push --tags movingblocks develop
  5. Create new GitHub milestone, if applicable


This software is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.