Mow-E / Backend

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Documentation of Mow-E Backend

High Level Requirements

#B1.1 #B1.2 #B1.3
Publish a REST API for reading and writing
position data that is sent from the mower.
The REST API shall contain a service
for reading and writing image data.
When image data is written, the service shall perform
an image classification via for example Google API.

Low Level Requirements

Websockets for R/W
mowers position data
Service for read/write
image data
Service for image classification
Additional Functionality
Endpoint for accessing websocket
Websocket endpoint
for receiving images
Access to Google Vision API
Enabling security in Spring
Binding a mower to a specific user
Python scripts for testing the websockets
Controller for processing the websocket endpoints
Image storing
Service for Image classification
User-Admin tables in db
Frontend for Admin Dashboard
Spring tests for high level requirements - authentication, authorization, managing the mower, mowing history, images
Position data prototype
Bind image to collision coordinate
Saving data from Image classification service
Authentication & Authorization via REST API
Endpoints for an overview of user/mower statistics
Github actions for Spring tests
Service for saving positioning data
Authentification via JWT
Endpoint for cleaning the image repository
Position data broadcast
for Mobile
Websocket authentification
Endpoints for retrieving mowing sessions
Error handling
Establishing a communication protocol

Network diagram


File structure overview


Main Class








Frontendus -> under construction

Dashboard that help the admin to see key information about the all project.

Stack used

How to launch it ?

First you need to create a .env

cd frontend/
yarn install
yarn build
yarn start

The default port used is 3000


Page Endpoints
Login /login
Signup /signup
Dashboard /dashboard/app
User /dashboard/user