Mr-Destructive / anonymous-chatgpt

Use ChatGPT without authenticating (with limitations)
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Anonymous ChatGPT Client

OpenAI recently made the ChatGPT model accessible anonymously. You can access it without authentication. Read more about it in the official docs


pip install anonymous-chatgpt



chatgpt --prompt "hello world"


chatgpt --chat

CLI Demonstration

Anonymous ChatGPT Demo


from anonymous_chatgpt import chat_prompt, ChatGPT

message = chat_promt(prompt="hello world")

# For chat

chatgpt = ChatGPT()

resp1 ="hello, my name is John")
resp2 ="what is my name?")

Process of creating a authentication-less client

  1. Send the first request to the ChatGPT API i.e.
  2. The response of that request has cookies for authentication(not user just user-agent and csrf tokens)
  3. Those cookies are carried in all the upcoming requests
  4. Send the second request to the Sential API i.e. /backend-anon/sentinel/chat-requirements
  5. This request gives us the sentinel-token which is the token used for authentication and authorization of the requests (not users).
  6. We use this token in all the subsequent requests
  7. The third request is the actual request to the Anonymous Conversation endpoint i.e. /backend-anon/conversation
  8. This is a streamed request which returns the response in the form of chunks