Mr-MIBonk / M.I.B._More-Incredible-Bash

M.I.B. - More Incredible Bash - The Army knife for Harman MIB 2.x aka MHI2(Q) units
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Modify datasets in MIB unit - possible? #290

Closed zzz08900 closed 1 year ago

zzz08900 commented 1 year ago

What I'm trying to achieve: I added central speaker and subwoofer to my car and I'm trying to flash a modified 0x003000 dataset into my unit.

I tried the "Run individual script" function with the following script export PATH=:/proc/boot:/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/net/mmx/bin:/net/mmx/usr/bin:/net/mmx/usr/sbin:/net/mmx/sbin:/net/mmx/mnt/app/armle/bin:/net/mmx/mnt/app/armle/sbin:/net/mmx/mnt/app/armle/usr/bin:/net/mmx/mnt/app/armle/usr/sbin export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/net/mmx/mnt/app/root/lib-target:/net/mmx/mnt/eso/lib:/net/mmx/eso/lib:/net/mmx/mnt/app/usr/lib:/net/mmx/mnt/app/armle/lib:/net/mmx/mnt/app/armle/lib/dll:/net/mmx/mnt/app/armle/usr/lib export IPL_CONFIG_DIR=/etc/eso/production

#write dataset on -f mmx /eso/bin/apps/pc b:0:0xC0030014 {dataset_content_in_hex} #store changes to persistence on -f mmx /eso/bin/apps/pc b:0:1 0

#reboot to save settings to unit! on -f rcc /usr/apps/mib2_ioc_flash reboot

I saw a bunch of error message on screen and it looked like nothing was changed after reboot.

The above script came from here

Any idea what I did wrong?

zzz08900 commented 1 year ago

I noticed there's a newly added function which adds subwoofer gain to existing dataset and that is very similar to what I'm trying to do. That script calls $PC to write the dataset but I couldn't find what that $PC variable is set to.

What am I missing here?

Edit: Another rather ugly approach would be placing the modded dataset in a backup and then restore the backup using MIB, but I figure that's a (very) large overkill. I'll keep that as last resort.

Edit2: It seems the only place where $PC is set is config/GLOBALS and its pointing to /net/mmx/mnt/app/eso/bin/apps/pc according to the comments so I just need to replace /eso/bin/apps/pc with /net/mmx/mnt/app/eso/bin/apps/pc and my script should work, can anyone give confirmation on that?

Edit3: Another thought, can I use variables like $PC, $LOG, $VOLUME, in custom scripts placed under mod/? I couldn't find any documentation related to "how to write custom scripts for MIB" anywhere, It would be nice to have some insights about what can and cannot be used there.

Muilperen commented 1 year ago

yes, it is possible. check this one first=> My mistake was to use a windows text editor. That won't work as the script should be saved in the unix EOL format. Not sure if that is your issue.

zzz08900 commented 1 year ago

My mistake was to use a windows text editor. That won't work as the script should be saved in the unix EOL format. Not sure if that is your issue.

Well I use Linux-based machines as my daily drive, but when I couldn't get the script wo work I actually went out of my way and dug out a dusty windows installation. I guess things went sideways even faster from that point.

I just realize we need to use the PC program came with MIB to write the datasets and for me the path passed to on -f was wrong as ****.

zzz08900 commented 1 year ago

@Muilperen can you confirm you got your datasets written using on -f /eso/bin/apps/pc? I thought I tries that already and it didn't work and subwoofer script came with MIB was using something different to write dataset.

Muilperen commented 1 year ago

I copied the script from the same place you got it. I only used it to change the b:0:0xC0030020 dataset though. I’m afraid your question is not very clear to me, are you referring to the path where to write it on the SD?

zzz08900 commented 1 year ago

OK guys I made it work, finally. @Muilperen a thousand thanks, without your hints I would be blowing my head trying find what went wrong.

What I was referring to was if you were able to wrote dataset without changing the on -f mmx /eso/bin/apps/pc part prepending your dataset address and content in the script posted by NumberOneBot. It turned out we don't need to change that part.

I re-wrote my original script using my Linux daily machine (like, word to word re-type but not copy-pasting anything so I won't bring in windows EOL by accident) and I was able to write to any 5F dataset I wanted to and the only thing I need to change was address and dataset content.

Now I have 9.1 channel output activated and voice message sound processing properly updated. Gonna need some personal sound tuning but it sounds pretty good already