Mr-MIBonk / M.I.B._More-Incredible-Bash

M.I.B. - More Incredible Bash - The Army knife for Harman MIB 2.x aka MHI2(Q) units
GNU General Public License v2.0
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19 Audi a4 b9 upgrade green mib navigation problems, red is normal, but you can't see the second line mib when you enter green #419

Open zuotian1988 opened 3 months ago

zuotian1988 commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

Check known issues before reporting Make sure you have checked here:

Add M.I.B LOG file to your report Always attach your M.I.B LOG file! Check M.I.B SD card in folder /backup/ and upload that file together with your report.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. E. g. of the error message on screen.

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here. Was the unit worked on before? Is the unit stock in car or a retrofit? Hello, please answer my question. There is a problem with the upgrade of 19 Audi A4 b9 models and the upgrade of mib. In this case, the red program in front is all right, but in the green project, there is no second mib. After reading all the posts and comments about the upgrade, I don't know what went wrong. Patches are also corresponding versions, all of which follow the process of your program and are copied to the Patches folder. Use sd card, insert card slot 1, and go through the program without pulling out the card. Sd is not write-protected and the format is correct. I don't know what went wrong. IMG_0217

AmarAtcha commented 1 month ago

Same problem here you managed to solve he problem?