Mr-MIBonk / M.I.B._More-Incredible-Bash

M.I.B. - More Incredible Bash - The Army knife for Harman MIB 2.x aka MHI2(Q) units
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K3663_AIO_1 + MIB2.7.4 - subwoofer turns off when AA message comes (like navi or sth). How to patch this using MIB 3.5.1? #437

Open marcinprzybysz86 opened 3 months ago

marcinprzybysz86 commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

When I start my car I need to move subwoofer knob in any direction so it starts working. When I listen to the radio or music via bluetooth everything is fine. But when I plug in my phone via AA and when google maps gives a communicate like "turn left" , my subwoofer is not working anymore. To bring it to life again i need to go to sound settings and move subwoofer knob.

Check known issues before reporting Make sure you have checked here:

Add M.I.B LOG file to your report sorry, will attach them in the evening, but maybe my problem is easy to solve without (?)

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. E. g. of the error message on screen.

Additional context It worked before on P3634 soft without MIB.

Im not sure if K3663 AIO 1 has this bug or MIB2 i had run (version 2.7.4). Maybe someone had this before?

I saw that MIB 3.5.1 has this bugfix for subwoofer. How should I ran again MIB? What options should I select to get this patch?

Thanks in advance!