Mr-MIBonk / M.I.B._More-Incredible-Bash

M.I.B. - More Incredible Bash - The Army knife for Harman MIB 2.x aka MHI2(Q) units
GNU General Public License v2.0
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1033 Argo Tunnel error when accessing website #478

Open orcoaster opened 3 weeks ago

orcoaster commented 3 weeks ago

Patched and updated my B9 S5 before the weekend, and thank you for all the work, it's fantastic and I am now on 2024/2025 maps. I realized that I hadn't downloaded the current MMI software update or the VC update, and wanted to look for updates for the B8.5 S4 as well, but cannot access the website. When I try the URL it returns a 1033 Argo Tunnel Cloudflare error. I don't have experience with Cloudflare, so I don't know if that's just a safety measure if I had the site open in windows in both Firefox and Chrome, or just something it does time to time.

Again, thanks for the hard work, the toolbox is fantastic.

ludo5962 commented 3 weeks ago

bonjour a tous moi pareil depuis hier impossible d'accéder a mibsolution même erreur 1033 Argo Tunnel Cloudflare je pense que sa vient du site

ludo5962 commented 3 weeks ago

sinon quelqu'un aurais le fichier zip de MIB_Patches

eskimanasse commented 3 weeks ago

I do have the same problem. Is that still a valid page?

orcoaster commented 3 weeks ago

It was as of last Friday when I downloaded a file.

mrmtb commented 3 weeks ago

When I checked the site on Saturday, I was also receiving the argo tunnel error.

mcowell commented 3 weeks ago

Error still exists as of today.

ludo5962 commented 3 weeks ago

Bonjour a l'heure actuelle toujours pas d'accès.besoins du fichier M.I.B_Patches .7z si quelqu'un aurait un lien pour cela merci .

ludo5962 commented 3 weeks ago

bonjour alors je suis arrivé a me connecter a MIBsolution par contre pour les fichier mibsoluion/mih2 il est vide

eskimanasse commented 3 weeks ago

Yes, now it seem to work again! Oui, ca marche bien!

Kiwy-max commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, does not seem to work for me. Anyone else has the same issue.

The error is:

Database error: SQLSTATE[08004] [1040] Too many connections

Thanks :)

ludo5962 commented 2 weeks ago

Oui effectivement trop de connexion

SergDi commented 2 weeks ago

the same Database error: SQLSTATE[08004] [1040] Too many connections