Mr-MIBonk / M.I.B._More-Incredible-Bash

M.I.B. - More Incredible Bash - The Army knife for Harman MIB 2.x aka MHI2(Q) units
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Software update M.I.B.-3.7.1: Is there a patch for MHIG_EU_AU_S1544? #479

Open eskimanasse opened 3 weeks ago

eskimanasse commented 3 weeks ago

Propably similar case than image image

This is Audi A3 hybrid PHEV 1995 model.

Is there a solution for this? It would be good if there was also a patch-file for this one. Help for that also? And how to initialize the GEM then?

Another issue is that the gives an "Argo Tunnel error", error code 1033, and does not work. But there is already an open issue for that one.

Would be thankful for any help, thank you.

eskimanasse commented 2 weeks ago

Reason was most probably a faulty SD-card. I changed to a new Transcend 32MB SD-card and installation was ok. Key combinations for Audi A3 are (the GEM key combination is missing in a guide) image

Argo Tunnel error was working on June 7, 2024

Updating maps has not yet succeeded. Maybe I have done something wrong. There is a FEC 021000EE

eskimanasse commented 2 weeks ago

Now the status for activation keys are following. Updating maps does not proceed. System giving message: No valid update data were found on the medium" Activation keys looks following (not very promising): image

So what could be an issue, and how to proceed with this? Is there already a patch for MHIG_EU_AU_S1544? I can upload the backup file as soon as the works again.