Mr-MikeRoss / Color-Racer

MIT License
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Color Racer

Deployed Link

You can play the game by visiting the following link: Color Racer - Play Now

Project Overview

Color Racer is a two-player racing game created as the first project for a coding bootcamp. The game is designed to test the typing speed of each player using keydown and keyup event listeners. Players race by typing as fast as they can to reach the finish line.

Project Presentation

Project Presentation Google Slides


Color Racer is an interactive typing competition where two users race to move their selected cars across the screen. The goal is to reach the finish line in the least amount of time. users can start the game, save their scores, and play again, with their scores saved locally for future reference.


  1. Enter Name: When users enter the webpage, they are prompted to enter their name.
  2. Choose a Car: After providing their name, users select their car from a list of colorful options.
  3. Start the Game: After selecting a car, the "Start" button begins the race and make the clock counting.
  4. Typing Race: users race by typing for Player1= "a" key & Player2 = "l" key (make sure the caps lock off) as fast as possible,to move their cars toward the finish line.
  5. Save Score: Once the race ends, users can click the "Save Score" button to save their time to local storage.
  6. Play Again: users can click the "Play Again" button to restart the game and try to beat their previous score.

Game Features





Technologies Used


MIT License


Enjoy the game and may the fastest typer win! Oct 2024