Mr-Milk / Aquila-next

The mono repo for Aquila, the spatial single cell database and analysis platform
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Aquila: Spatial single-cell database and analysis platform

Data preproces /aquila-preprocess

The scripts are written in Python, the database use PostgreSQL.

API Server aquila-api and aquila-fastapi

The main API Server is written in Rust using Actix.

The side API Server is written in Python using FastAPI to run following analysis:

Two server is registered under the same domain: through reverse proxy provided by Nginx.

To run a dev build with HMR

cd aquila-api
cargo watch -x 'run --bin aquila-api' --workdir .

To run a production build

cargo build --release && ./target/release/aquila-api

The computed server for spatial variable gene is in FastAPI and run as docker image.

UI aquila-ui

The UI part is implemented using Next.js, the analysis part is powered by indexedDB.

We also use WebWorker to run tasks parallel on the web.

To run a dev build with HMR

8G RAM is needed to run a dev build,

$Env:NODE_OPTIONS="--max-old-space-size=8192" # powershell
export NODE_OPTIONS="--max-old-space-size=8192" # linux
cd aquila-ui
yarn dev


The UI part will be deployed automatically by Vercel.

To deploy actix server

cd aquila-api

SERVER_PID="$(pidof aquila-api)"

echo "Terminate current running process at $SERVER_PID"


cargo build --release

nohup ./target/release/aquila-api > log.out 2>&1 &