MrBiz / PiFan

Raspberry Pi CPU fan software control for 3 wire or 4 wire fans.
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Raspberry Pi CPU fan software control for 3 wire (with controller) or 4 wire fans (without controller).

This is a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) fan controller for load and temperature monitored fan control for the Raspberry Pi.
Note: this may work with 2 wire fans (with controller) but it won't have RPM monitoring. I haven't tested that setup yet though.


1) Copy all files to: /usr/local/sbin/fan/

2) Run 'sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/sbin/fan/*'

3) Copy file 'cpufan' to /etc/init.d/

4) Run the command 'sudo update-rc.d cpufan defaults' to install the service.

The defaults should work but if you need to, you can change the settings in the configuration file 'fan.config'

Install your heatsink on the Raspberry Pi CPU Mount your fan on the top of your heatsink


You will need:

I used this 30v one because it was the smallest I could get at the time, best practice is to use a resister between the transisters Base & GPIO14 (pin 8) as well but mine has been going for over a year without one and no issues so 'meh'.

If all is good you should should hear the fan run up to full speed for about 2 seconds on boot, then it will slow as the service takes control.

As always, use at your own risk, no liability accepted, etc.
