MrClassicT / bibla

A simple BibLaTeX linter, based on bibl.
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Key should have name AuthorYEARa #4

Closed MaximeBrusselle closed 2 months ago

MaximeBrusselle commented 2 months ago

Linter geeft soms deze warning ookal klopt dit wel bv.

@inproceedings{Abdullah2015, author = {Abdullah, Hanin M. and Zeki, Ahmed M.}, booktitle = {2014 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computer Science Applications and Technologies}, title = {Frontend and Backend Web Technologies in Social Networking Sites: Facebook as an Example}, date = {2014}, volume = {}, number = {}, pages = {85--89}, keywords = {Facebook;Servers;Linux;Software;Computer architecture;Frontend Web Technology;Backend Web Technology;Web Programming;Social Networks;Facebook}, doi = {10.1109/acsat.2014.22}, eventtitle = {2014 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computer Science Applications and Technologies}, isbn = {978-1-4799-1845-4}, url = {} }


bachproef.bib:3 E00: Keys of published works should have format AuthorYEARa

Er is ook geen andere bron met dezelfde naam of auteur

EDIT: Skill issue van doi en mij