MrClassicT / bibla

A simple BibLaTeX linter, based on bibl.
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bibla flake8 bibla is a minimalistic linter (style checker) for biblatex files with support for libraries managed by JabRef.

bibla does not come with its own biblatex parser, but leverages the pybtex parser.

Bibla is an extension of bibl, which was made by Arne Van Den Kerckhove. The original Bibl can be found here. I do not claim any form of ownership over the original Bibl, I have only made some changes to it. Those changes I do claim ownership over. Just like the original Bibl, this will also be licensed under the MIT license.


pip install bibla

Usage - This still needs to receive an update!

Run bibla on your biblatex files with the following command

bibla lint bibliography1.bib


bibla lint bibliography1.bib bibliography2.bib ... 

or as a python module with

python -m bibla lint bibliography1.bib bibliography2.bib ... 

bibla will check these files for a variety of style issues and deviations from the biblatex spec (, Each possible type of issue is formulated as a rule. Each rule is identified by a unique code. Some examples of rules are

Rule ID Rule description
U00 Unrecognized entry type
T01 Non-standard whitespace at beginning of line (indents should be 2 spaces)
T02 Whitespace at end of line
M01OnlineUrl Missing required field url for entry type online
M02InbookPages Missing optional field pages for entry type inbook
E08 pages field formatting is incorrect. Please use the following format: 123--456. In ascending order seperated with two dashes.
E09 Entry should use correct date format: YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM or YYYY!
E10ArticleJournal Use journaltitle instead of journal!
... ...

This link provides a list of all available rules generated with the default configuration (see Configuration section below).

The first character of a rule id refers to a rules category, e.g. E for issues with entry values, T for textual issues with the .bib file, etc. NOTE: The following does not work yet due to having a fixed set ignore in the general config, this will be fixed! - May 18th, 2024 You can specify which rules to check by using --select or --ignore. Wildcards are allowed. --select will only enable the specified rules, disabling all other rules, while --ignore will disable all rules except the ones specified. --select and --ignore may not be specified simultaneously.

bibla --select "D*,E06,T01" lint bibliography.bib

will only check all rules starting with D, rule E06 and rule T01

bibla --ignore "D*,E06,T01" lint bibliography.bib

will check all rules except all rules starting with D, rule E06 and rule T01


Aside from --select and --ignore, other configuration options can be provided via the cli, like --max-line-length to specify the line length for which an issue should be reported if exceeded. See below for a full list.

Configuration can also be specified in a yaml format configuration file, provided by the --config option. If no configuration file is provided and a bibla.yml or .bibla.yml file is present in the current working directory, this file will be used as a configuration file. Command line option configuration will override configuration provided by a file. See the default configuration bibla.yml for all values that can be overwritten in a configuration file.

Some rules, like the various M01*, M02* and U01* rules, are procedurally generated based on the type_spec setting. This setting specifies which entry and field types should be present and can be modified to more easily ignore generated rules for specific entry types or fields, or to add custom fields or entry types for which warnings should be given while linting.


Usage: bibla [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  -c, --config TEXT          Custom configuration file path.
  --select TEXT              Comma separated list of enabled rules, all other
                             rules will be disabled.

  --ignore TEXT              Comma separated list of disabled rules, all other
                             rules will be enabled.

  --indent-spaces INTEGER    Number of trailing whitespaces for indented line,
                             used by TO1.

  --max-line-length INTEGER  Max line length before wrap recommended, used by

  --abbreviation-dot         Abbreviate middle names with dot.
  --help                     Show this message and exit.

  lint          Lint a biblatex bibliography file.
  list-all      Show all available rules.
  list-enabled  Show all rules enabled by the configuration.
  version       Show the package version.
Usage: bibla lint [OPTIONS] [BIBLIOGRAPHY]...

  Lint a biblatex bibliography file.

  --help  Show this message and exit.
Usage: bibla list-all [OPTIONS]

  Show all available rules.

  -m      Format rules as markdown table.
  --help  Show this message and exit.
Usage: bibla list-enabled [OPTIONS]

  Show all rules enabled by the configuration.

  -m      Format rules as markdown table.
  --help  Show this message and exit.