MrElectrify / AssettoCorsaTools

Tools for Assetto Corsa
MIT License
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AssettoCorsaTools is a set of tools for use in modification of AssettoCorsa as well as an example providing a practical non-modding use-case of the library.


Usage: AssettoCorsaCarDataDumper [dataFile:string:data.acd] [directory:string:wd] [outDirectory:string:dataFileMinusExt] [fileName:string[OPT]]

Purpose: AssettoCorsaCarDataDumper demonstrates the use of FileDecrypter by decrypting and outputting the virtual filesystem contained in the .acd files. These contain all aspects of a car's performance, from aerodynamics to suspension, to engine torque/power, the presence of turbochargers, electronics, and more.


Usage: AssettoCorsaShiftOptimizer [dataFile:string:data.acd] [directory:string:wd]

Purpose: AssettoCorsaShiftOptimizer calculates the optimal shift points for a car for the highest acceleration, as torque falls off at higher engine speeds and some gears are close enough for torque to actually be higher in the next gear.


Purpose: AssettoCorsaToolFramework is a library that contains APIs to manipulate the encrypted virtual file system.





The purpose of Curve is to allow for a simple wrapper for a container which interpolates based on known values.


Data_t = int32_t

Map_t = std::map<Data_t, Data_t>

Member functions:

void ParseLUT(std::istream& lutFile) - Parses the LUT file via a stream. throws ErrorCode on error

void ParseLUT(std::istream& lutFile, Framework::ErrorCode& ec) - Parses the LUT file via a stream. Returns ErrorCode in ec on error

Data_t GetMinRef() const - Returns the smallest reference value

Data_t GetMaxRef() const - Returns the largest reference value

Data_t GetValue(const Data_t ref) const - Returns the interpolated value at a point. Returns 0 if the ref is out of range

const Map_t& GetValues() const noexcept - Returns the map of values





The purpose of ErrorCode is to wrap certain errors in a way that allows the user to get raw error codes (and compare as ab enumeration, _ErrorCode) as well as formatted string errors.


RawCode_t = _ErrorCode

Member Functions:

ErrorCode() - Constructs an empty ErrorCode, default intialized to success.

ErrorCode(RawCode_t code) - Constructs with a raw _ErrorCode

RawCode_t GetRawCode() const - Returns the raw ErrorCode

std::string GetMessage() const - Returns the error message

operator RawCode_t() const - Implicit conversion to the enumeration for comparison





The purpose of File is to wrap a file's name and contents together, immutable


Data_t = std::string

Member Functions:

File(const Data_t& name, const Data_t& contents) - Constructs a file with the specified name and contents

File(File&& other) - Move constructor for efficiently moving large files

Data_t GetName() const noexcept - Returns the name of the file

Data_t GetContents() const noexcept - Returns the contents of the file


Enum MODE:

MODE_READ - The manager is in read mode and reads from a file to populate the internal file buffer, and does not support outputting

MODE_WRITE - The manager is in write mode, and does not support reading, and can output to a buffer

MODE_READWRITE - The manager is able to both read and write files




The purpose of FileManager is to decrypt and decrypt .acd files found in Assetto Corsa.


File_t = std::ifstream

Key_t = std::string

Mode_t = MODE

Member Functions:

FileManager(const std::string& fileName, const std::string& directory, Mode_t mode) - Default constructor, throws ErrorCode on error. Assumes directory only includes the name of the directory, and no other part of the path

FileManager(const std::string& fileName, const std::string& directory, Mode_t mode Framework::ErorrCode& ec) noexcept - Overload that does not throw, stores ErrorCode in ec on error. Assumes directory only includes the name of the directory, and no other part of the path

File GetFile(const std::string& fileName) const - Gets a single file by name. Throws ErrorCode on error

File GetFile(const std::string& fileName, ErrorCode& ec) const noexcept - Gets a single file by name. Stores ErrorCode in ec on error

Vec_t GetFiles() const noexcept - Gets all files`