Stacks is a kanban board website that helps you to organize your work or play.
Demo Login
Kanban Board
Authentication: One of the main goals I had with this project was to gain a deeper understanding of authentication. For this project I decided to implement my own token based authentication with refresh tokens and refresh token rotation. I have learned a tonne and now have a good understanding of typical authentication flows. From middleware, interceptors, JWT tokens, protected routes, user scoped endpoints etc.
NestJs: Through this project I also wanted to improve my NestJS knowledge and I feel I have a solid understanding of the fundamentals (dependency injection, decorators, error handling, classValidator, classTransformer, middleware, pipes, interceptors, testing, RESTful api, MVC design pattern etc)
Drag n Drop: This is my first time implementing drag and drop into a project, which was exciting, but this was probably the most challenging part of the project. I found that implementing a single drag and drop was simple but nested drag and drop was quite complex.
Drizzle ORM: I have been wanting to try out drizzle ORM for a while, it is really enjoyable and easy to use. I love the fact that you can drop back to raw sql if needed and it is a lot more performant than prisma. Would recommend if you haven't tried it yet.
Redis: First time using a Redis in a project, was cool to learn the basics of this technology. I used the Redis to store the refresh tokens as part of the implementing refreshToken rotation (making it a bit more performant and reducing calls to the database).
Front End