MrPig91 / PSSplinterlands

This is a powershell module used to interact with the Splinterlands API.
MIT License
2 stars 1 forks source link


This is a powershell module used to interact with the Splinterlands API.


Open a powershell as administrator and run the following command:

Install-Module -Name PSSplinterlands -Repository PSGallery

If you want to update to the latest version, run this command:

Update-Module PSSplinterlands

If you get and error like the following "The 'Command' command was found in the module 'PSSplinterlands', but the module could not be loaded." then you will need to set your Execution Policy to remote signed by running the command below. Please note that execution policy is not a security feature, so changing it will not make your system more or less secure. Execution Policy is used to prevent you from accidentally running scripts that goes aganist the policy, but it does not prevent those scripts being ran in bypass mode. You can read more about Execution Policy on its about page here

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Force


If you find this module useful and want to donate my hive account is below

Hive/splinterlands account: mrpig29

Getting DEC Rewards Summary

You can quickly get a summary of DEC rewards (battle, daily quest, and seasonal chest) by running the command below.

 Get-slDECRewardsSummary -UserName mrpig29

RewardType RewardCount AvgReward AvgDailyDEC AvgRewardsPerDay Total    TotalDays
---------- ----------- --------- ----------- ---------------- -----    ---------
Battle     635         5.67      124         22               3597.879 29
Quest      17          11.35     7           1                193      27
Season     2           62        8           0                124      15
All        654         5.99      135         23               3914.879 29

Getting Transactions

Shown below are a couple examples of using the Get-slBalanceHistory function, which gets transactions within the last 30 days (API restriction).

Getting SPS claimed staking rewwards transactions.

Get-slBalanceHistory -UserName mrpig29 -TokenType SPS -Limit 5 -TransactionType claim_staking_rewards

player  token Amount type                  balance_end block_num created_date          counterparty
------  ----- ------ ----                  ----------- --------- ------------          ------------
mrpig29 SPS   0.001  claim_staking_rewards 5.707       59269254  11/17/2021 6:57:09 PM $SPS_STAKING_REWARDS
mrpig29 SPS   4.227  claim_staking_rewards 4.231       59269243  11/17/2021 6:56:36 PM $SPS_STAKING_REWARDS
mrpig29 SPS   0.004  claim_staking_rewards 202.519     59242180  11/16/2021 8:19:12 PM $SPS_STAKING_REWARDS
mrpig29 SPS   2.299  claim_staking_rewards 99.179      59242153  11/16/2021 8:17:51 PM $SPS_STAKING_REWARDS
mrpig29 SPS   2.295  claim_staking_rewards 95.314      59226455  11/16/2021 7:10:27 AM $SPS_STAKING_REWARDS

Getting the last 5 card rental transactions.

Get-slBalanceHistory -UserName mrpig29 -TokenType DEC -Limit 5 -TransactionType market_rental

player  token Amount  type          balance_end block_num created_date          counterparty
------  ----- ------  ----          ----------- --------- ------------          ------------
mrpig29 DEC   -45.74  market_rental 1437.625    59240585  11/16/2021 6:59:18 PM $RENTAL_ESCROW
mrpig29 DEC   -475    market_rental 730.823     59197579  11/15/2021 7:02:57 AM $RENTAL_ESCROW
mrpig29 DEC   -307.65 market_rental 2142.184    59038330  11/9/2021 5:57:51 PM  $RENTAL_ESCROW
mrpig29 DEC   -420    market_rental 6208.973    58987271  11/7/2021 11:15:24 PM $RENTAL_ESCROW
mrpig29 DEC   -3      market_rental 7389.857    58941763  11/6/2021 10:12:36 AM $RENTAL_ESCROW

Getting Opponent Battle History Summary

The following example shows how to get your current opponent's battle history summary. Please note, you must currently be in a battle for this command to work. Sometimes you might need to run it again if it fails the first time.

Get-slPlayerOutstandingBattle -PlayerName mrpig29 | Get-slPlayerBattleSummary

Top Summoners : Bortus - 36% | Blue | magic: -1
                        Pirate Archer     | 94% | L: 1 | ranged: 1  | A: Blast
                        Sea Monster       | 89% | L: 1 | attack: 4  | A: Heal
                        Furious Chicken   | 67% | L: 1 |            | A:
                        Crustacean King   | 61% | L: 1 |            | A: Tank Heal
                        Axemaster         | 39% | L: 1 | ranged: 2  | A: Double Strike
                        Battering Ram     | 33% | L: 1 | attack: 1  | A: Opportunity

                Drake of Arnak - 22% | Gold | armor: 1
                        Djinn Chwala        | 91% | L: 1 | attack: 2  | A: Thorns
                        Furious Chicken     | 55% | L: 1 |            | A:
                        Kobold Miner        | 36% | L: 1 | attack: 1  | A: Sneak
                        Flame Monkey        | 27% | L: 1 | attack: 1  | A:
                        Serpentine Mystic   | 27% | L: 1 | magic: 1   | A: Affliction
                        Serpentine Spy      | 27% | L: 1 | attack: 2  | A: Opportunity

                Tyrus Paladium - 14% | White | armor: 1
                        Feral Spirit          | 71% | L: 1 | attack: 1  | A: Sneak
                        Armorsmith            | 57% | L: 1 |            | A: Repair
                        Shieldbearer          | 57% | L: 1 | attack: 2  | A: Taunt
                        Truthspeaker          | 57% | L: 1 |            | A: Protect
                        Venari Crystalsmith   | 43% | L: 1 | ranged: 1  | A: Tank Heal
                        Battering Ram         | 43% | L: 1 | attack: 1  | A: Opportunity

Top Monsters  : Furious Chicken - 52%
                Pirate Archer - 38%
                Sea Monster - 32%
                Battering Ram - 24%
                Crustacean King - 22%
                Djinn Chwala - 20%