MrPratula / ing-sw-2020-romeo-pozzan-prada

Progetto Ingegneria del Software 2020 Lorenzo Prada, Federico Romeo, Riccardo Pozzan
1 stars 0 forks source link

Final Project of Software Engineering [GC26].

Lorenzo Prada 10529212 869775

Federico Romeo 10566536 890975

Riccardo Pozzan 10581128 891097


Santorini is a simple table-game playable in 2 or 3 players. Choose your God Card, place your tokens onto the battlefield and get ready to climb the 3rd level before your enemies even notice it.

Here you can find the official rules.


This project consists in the implementation of a distribuited system. It is entirely implemented using the MVC pattern.

Complete rules #c5f015
CLI #c5f015 ---
GUI #c5f015 ---
Socket #c5f015 ---
1 Advanced feature #c5f015 ---
2 Advanced feature #f03c15 ---

Advanced feature: ADVANCED GODS

[ Chronus - Hera - Hestia - Limus - Zeus ]


Inside this folder you can find the following things:


Part of this project are also UML diagrams.

Here you can find an high level diagram to show links between classes, and how the MVC pattern works, in order to pass informations beetween server and client.

Here a low level UML diagram to show more accurately all classes details.


Inside the JAR folder there will be 3 different .jar files. Each one have to be launched by open a terminal and type the corresponding line of code.


It is the server that hosts the game. It can be runned passing the argument -port. If the port is not specified, it uses 12345.

java -jar path/to/Server.jar -port MY_PORT

It is the client that runs a terminal to play. It is higly recommended not to use cmd. It can be runned passing the IPv4 address and the port where the server is listening. If those are not specified it uses as IP, and 12345 as port.

java -jar path/to/ClientCLI.jar -ip MY_IP_ADDRESS -port MY_PORT

It is the client to use a graphic interface. It can be runned passing the IPv4 address and the port where the server is listening. If those are not specified it uses as IP, and 12345 as port.

java -jar path/to/ClientGUI.jar -ip MY_IP_ADDRESS -port MY_PORT


In the folder doc there will be the auto generated JavaDoc of the whole project.


This is a brief presentation we used to explain how our project works during the project exposition.

The GUI will look like this:

alt text

The CLI will look like this:

alt text