MrTomerLevi / aws-sns-to-slack

AWS SNS to Slack SAM app
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Monitoring App (SNS to Slack)

This app contains a monitoring SNS topic that can get notifications from other AWS resources.
A Lambda function will send every notification arriving to SNS to Slack using a Slack WebHook.

This app is built using AWS SAM and required SAM CLI

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Lambda Function

The Lambda function is written in Python and is using AWS Lambda Powertools Lambda Powertools is set to:

Creating a Slack webhook

  1. Navigate to
  2. Search for and select "Incoming WebHooks".
  3. Choose the default channel where messages will be sent and click "Add Incoming WebHooks Integration".
  4. Copy the webhook URL from the setup instructions and use it in the next section.

SAM Commands Examples


sam build --use-container --cached --parameter-overrides Env=develop SlackChannel=#develop-notifications SlackHookURL=<YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL>

Local test (this will send a real message to Slack):

sam local invoke -e events/sns-cloudwatch.json LambdaSlack --parameter-overrides 'Env=develop SlackChannel=#develop-notifications SlackHookURL=<YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL>' --debug


sam deploy --stack-name monitoring-and-alerting-<ENVIRONMENT> --s3-bucket <YOUR_S3_BUCKET> --s3-prefix monitoring_and_alerting  --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM  --parameter-overrides Env=develop SlackChannel=#develop-notifications SlackHookURL=<YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL>-

Getting SNS Topic ARN

Other AWS resources can get the SNS topic ARN using one of the following ways: