MrWong99 / gitscanner

Gitscanner is used to perform a variety of security checks against Git repositories and is expandable. Feel free to add your own checks.
MIT License
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cli clone git golang scan security ui

Git Repository security checker

This is a fast Go implementation to check Git repositories (local or remote) for some common security issues. It relies heavily on go-git.


To simply start the scanner run this command and provide a configuration file in YAML or JSON format:

./gitscanner -config <path to config file>

Take a look at the full configuration file for further configuration options.

UI Example

Here is the full list of available parameters:

$ ./gitscanner --help
Usage of ./gitscanner:
  -config string
        The absolute or relative path of the application configuration file. (default "GrootConfig.yml")
  -decrypt string
        When set this tool will simply decrypt the given input and exit afterwards. Can be used to decrypt any value for the config file given the correct key.
  -encrypt string
        When set this tool will simply encrypt the given input and exit afterwards. Can be used to encrypt any value for the config file.
  -encryptionKey string
        Key to use for en-/decrypting sensitive data. Can also be provided via environment variable 'ENCRYPTION_KEY' or by typing into console after start.

Performed checks

Build locally

  1. Install Go.
  2. go build .

Add new tests

Adding tests is very simple:

  1. Write a type implementing the Checker interface
    package myawesometest

import ( mygit "" "" )

type MyTest struct{ }

func (MyTest) Check(wrapRepo mygit.ClonedRepo, output chan<- *utils.SingleCheck) error { defer close(output) // perform checks here and write any found issues into the output channel }

2. Add the function to the list of possible checks in [main.go](main.go#L45-47)


When started in server mode *gitscanner* will provide the following endpoints:

### POST /api/v1/checkRepos - Perform checks for given paths

**Status Codes:**

* `200`: checks were performed. Singular could still have failed though.
* `400`: the request body was malformed.

**Request Body:**

* `path`: a comma separated list of urls to clone. They can be in these formats:
  * `http(s)://<remote URL>`
  * `git@<remote URL>`
  * `file://<path>` -> will only search on the local filesystem of the server
* `checks`: a list of check identifiers to determine with checks are to be performed. See [GET checks](#get-apiv1checks---retrieve-the-list-of-possible-checks).


  "path": ",",
  "checkNames": [

Response Body:


        "date": "2021-12-03T00:22:00.6155686+01:00",
        "repository": "",
        "error": "",
        "checks": [
                "origin": "Commit 65508c0d5f0ea52ce3d93f77f471359f4ec1d1bc",
                "branch": "",
                "checkName": "CheckCommitMetaInformation",
                "acknowledged": false,
                "additionalInfo": {
                    "authorEmail": "",
                    "authorName": "Jeff",
                    "commitMessage": "Table view (in progress...)\n",
                    "commiterEmail": "",
                    "commiterName": "jeffHacker",
                    "commitSize": "1.2 TB",
                    "numberOfParents": 1
                "origin": "gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar",
                "branch": "refs/remotes/origin/master",
                "checkName": "SearchBigFiles",
                "acknowledged": false,
                "additionalInfo": {
                    "filemode": "0100644",
                    "filesize": "54.3 kB"
                "origin": "gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar",
                "branch": "refs/remotes/origin/master",
                "checkName": "SearchBinaries",
                "acknowledged": false,
                "additionalInfo": {
                    "filemode": "0100644",
                    "filesize": "54.3 kB"
                "origin": "gradlew",
                "branch": "refs/remotes/origin/master",
                "checkName": "SearchIllegalUnicodeCharacters",
                "acknowledged": false,
                "additionalInfo": {
                    "filemode": "0100644",
                    "filesize": "5.3 kB"
        "date": "2021-12-03T00:22:01.0774318+01:00",
        "repository": "",
        "error": "",
        "checks": []

GET /api/v1/checkDefinitions - Retrieve the list of possible checks

Status Codes:

Response Body:



GET /api/v1/config/{checkName} - Retrieve the current configuration for a check

Path Params:

Status Codes:

Response Body:


    "name": "SearchBigFiles",
    "enabled": false,
    "config": {
        "branchPattern": ".*origin/master",
        "filesizeThresholdByte": 89234

PUT /api/v1/config - Set the configuration for a check

Status Codes:

Request Body:


    "name": "CheckCommitMetaInformation",
    "enabled": true,
    "config": {
        "namePattern": "MrWong99",
        "emailPattern": ".*|.*"

PUT /api/v1/config/sshkey - Set the ssh private key to use when using ssh during clone

Status Codes:

Request Body:


    "key": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nyOut41nK1mdUMB?\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----",
    "password": ""

PUT /api/v1/config/basicauth - Set the username and password when usic basic authentication during clone

Status Codes:

Request Body:


    "username": "SecureMan",
    "password": "1n5EcuR3"

GET /api/v1/checks?from={from}&to={to}&checkNames={checkNames} - Retrieve previously performed checks that are stored in DB

Status Codes:

Query Parameters:

Response Body:

Same as in /api/v1/checkRepos.

PUT api/v1/acknowledged/{checkID} - Set the acknowledged flag of given check

Path Params:

Request Body:


    "acknowledged": true