Mrekyle / ci-project-5

Code Institute Project 5 - Ecommerce Specialization
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Link to live Localitty project: Localitty - CI Project Five - Eccommerce Specialization

Table of Contents

  1. The Project
    • Project Goals
    • Initial Design
  2. M.V.P
  3. Features
    • The Plan
    • Implemented
    • Future Development
    • Security Features
  4. Business Plan
    • The plan
    • Media Page
  5. Technology used
  6. Testing
    • Manual
  7. Bugs
  8. Project Deployment
  9. Sources
    • Code
    • Colors
    • Images

The Project

Project Goals

With the ever growing problems that arise in day to day life, people are turning towards wanting a fresh and local supplier for food. Instead of using the large chain supermarkets. Meaning people are becoming more conscious of how there food is grown and where it comes from. This opens the market for local suppliers.

But there has been no platforms for them to sell on, unless its at there store in person. This has inspired a centralized store for all things local. With local suppliers coming together to sell there goods. Localitty was born to fill this gap.

Allowing users of the store to know that the goods they are purchasing are local to them, helping them to support local and eat fresh produce.

With region expansion planned and product expansion planned. Localittys aim is to incorporate into every day life to supply local products to local people.

Initial Design (Wireframes)

During the initial design phase of the project, wire frames were created to give a visual design idea and an end goal to work towards. With thought and care taken to make the design of the application as responsive and user friendly as possible for all device types. Whilst the wire frames may not be accurate to the final deployed project. The application has been adjusted to work and function correctly on all device types. The wireframes were designed to give a core design to the store.

Page Designs
### Home, Shop and User dashboard The design was intended to be simple and intuitive for the user. To allow them to use the store as intended. Keeping it clean and simple at the same time as giving the user all the information they would need on that page. Home Page, Shop Page and User Dashboard ### Support, Dont GnocchIt and Admin Dashboard Support Page, Dont Gnocchit and Admin Dashboard Despite there being other pages on the application that are not included in the initial wireframe design. They all followed the core theme of the application and store. This allowed less going back and forth designing new pages in wireframe's, meaning the development of certain features and pages could commence straight away.

Database Diagram
With the design of the database being a crucial part of the applications core design it was important to get it right. Although not all designs are implemented into the live application this is leaving room for future development such as the implementation of 'user product rating and comments' and 'individual supplier stores' to allow them to manage their own products and sell on the platform. Localitty database design

M.V.P - Minium Viable Product for launch

Having a basic plan of a minium product that is able to be launched and used as intended is one of the best places to start. As this enables the developer to start the programming side of the product, with a direction to follow and targets to hit as the project grows.

  1. Basic Website
    • Basic responsive landing pages
    • Clear intent of the product
    • Visually Appealing design
  2. Product Pages
    • Main store page showing the entire range
    • Product search and filtering options
    • Product detail pages ( Image, Description, Price )
    • Add to cart
    • Quantity Selection buttons
  3. Shopping Cart
    • View
    • Update quantity/Remove from cart
    • Proceed to checkout
  4. User Authentication
    • Allow the user to create a secure account
    • Allow guest users to checkout securely without creating an account. But give the option at checkout
  5. Checkout
    • Input shipping details
    • Input Billing details
    • Order summary and order confirmation
    • Secure checkout. Using products such as stripe
  6. Order History
    • Show the users order history
  7. Notifications
    • Show confirmation messages to the user
      • Added item to cart
      • Updated quantity/cart
      • Order confirmation
      • Contact form submitted successfully
    • Email notifications
      • Order confirmation
      • Account managment options
      • Support form confirmation
  8. Support
    • Support forms/support chats
  9. Security
    • Add SSL Certificates
    • Secure encryption of passwords and billing information
    • Ensure all users data is securely stored in a protected database
  10. User Feedback
    • Give feedback on the products
    • Give feedback on the store itself
    • Report any bugs to the site admins


The Plan

Having a plan determined by the M.V.P results in a developer building out a task list. Of features that are essential to the store and others that are not. But will be added at a later stage in the products development cycle.

By using Agile development methods I created a Kanban bored using githubs projects features. This allowed me to keep track of the project as a whole, Features I was working on and any bugs that had arisen that I wasn't able to fix right away.

Kanban Board
Kanban bored of the project

Bug Reports
Bug reports on the project


The basic features that are currently implemented into the application are

- User Contact form - User account creation - User store functionality(add items to bag, checkout securely, receive order confirmation email) - User to save information to their account - User to see previous order history - User to sign up for mailing list - Job Postings - Job Applications - Job CRUD (Create, Update, Delete) - Admin CRUD (create, update and delete products) - Admin Full Order history - Admin total revenue, products and order count

Future Development

Future features that are in development are

- Dark Mode - Recipe/Developer Blogs - Order History Filtering - Vendor Accounts - User product reviews and ratings - Custom delivery schedule - Order dispatch emails - Live Support Chats and messaging - Locality Mobile App - Job Applicants Status Updates - Full Job postings page


With an online store security is one of the highest priority beside the functions of the store itself. This is to protect the users, protect the store and all its data.

Security Features - Django All Auth( Used for Django account creation and security ) - ElephantSQL ( Used to store all the data from the store, users, orders, products ) - Heroku ( Secure online website hosting Through the use of Config vars to connect to outside sources ) - CSRF Tokens provided by django ( Allow the secure movement of data between the user and the backend of the application )

Business Plan

Locality's ultimate goal is to connect local farmers and producers of goods to the local people in a certain area. Allowing for the sustainable production of goods.

Promoting sustainable living, supporting locals and to have the best produce available to the customer. Locality's vision is to become the go to online retailer for local farmers/growers/producers to sell there goods to the local people.

As a company it is a priority for us to be a sustainable and environmentally friendly as possible. Due to the nature of making deliveries and using certain packaging. This has become a high priority for us. We can achieve this by:

Target Market:

Products and Services:


Operation Plan:

As this is an ever growing business there is no set time line. Due to everything that can change on a weekly basis with the nature of the service that is offered.

But by rolling our in phases we are able to cut the chance of things going wrong drastically. Starting by launching our core products in Essex. Having them become established as a service and getting everything right. Before eventually expanding to different regions and areas, forming new relationships with farmers/artisans/bakers/producers around the country.

Media Page

An online presence for a new business is a crucial part of the launch of a new company. As this promotes to a wide audience of people in a targeted area.

Media Page
Localitty facebook media mockup page

Technology Used

During the development of the app multiple different types of technology was used and utilized to build the final application.

App Testing

During the development of the Project it has been subjected to different testing methods to ensure that all points are hit. No errors are found in the code as well as manual testing of the app to ensure everything works as intended. There was also testing involved to ensure that the application would be responsive and work on all screen sizes and device types by using the built in google chrome developer tools. To allow for the best accessability possible. The image for this can be found at the top of the document.

Test Intended Result Result
Account Creation Allows the user to create an account and confirm their email address Passed
Change Password Allows the user to change their password Passed
Email Verification Allows the user to verify their email address Passed
Change Email Allows the user to change or update their email Passed
Jop Application Allow a user of the application to submit an application for a job Passed
Job Application Message Display a message informing the user that the application was submitted successfully Passed
Job Send copy Send a copy of the job application to the applicant Passed
Item Favorites Allows the user to 'favorite' an item for quick access later on Passed
Item Remove favorites Allow the user to remove an item from their favorites Passed
Select Quantity Allows the user to adjust quantity of items to add to the bag Passed
Add items to bag Allow the user to add items from the store to the bag Passed
Bag items edit Allow the user to change item quantity and remove items from the shopping bag Passed
Add items to favorites Allow the user to create a favorite items list Passed
Remove items from favorites Allow the user to remove items from a favorites list Passed
Add items to basket message Display a message when an item is added to the basket Passed
Remove items from basket message Display a message when an item is adjusted or removed from basket Passed
Order confirmation message Display a message once an order has been completed Passed
Newsletter sign up Allow users to sign up to a monthly newsletter about new products and services Passed
Display message for errors Display a message if a user cannot access a certain page of the application Passed
Product Add Message Display a message when a product is added to the store Passed
Product Edit Message Display a message when a product is being edited Passed
Delete Product Message Display a message when a product has been deleted Passed
Error 404 Page Display an Error 404 page if there is an error on the application Passed
Error 500 Page Display an Error 500 page if there is an error on the application Passed
Secure Checkout Allows the user to add their billing information securely into the app Passed
Checkout Allow the user to checkout securely checkout and process the order Passed
Order Creation Order is created inside of the database Passed
Order Confirmation Displays the order confirmation to the user with the correct order number Passed
Order History Allow the user to see their previous order history Passed
Order Confirmation Email Sends the order confirmation emails to the user (Including all items in order) Passed
Save info Allow the user to save default shipping information to their profile Passed
Support Allow the user to send a support contact form request Passed
Admin Order History Allow the store admins to view all order history Passed
Admin product create Allow the store admins to create products on the store Passed
Admin product edit Allow the store admins to edit current products on the store passed
Admin product delete Allow the store admins to delete current products on the store Passed
Admin Job Create Allow the admin to create a job post Passed
Admin Job Edit Allow the admin to edit a job post Passed
Admin Job Delete Allow the admin to delete a job Passed
Admin View Applicants Allow the admin to view job applications Passed
Admin Delete Applications Allows the admin to delete new job applications Passed
Job Post Message Display a message when a job was posted successfully Passed
Job Edit Message Display a message when a job was edited successfully Passed
Job Delete Message Display a message when a job was Deleted successfully Passed
Job Application Email Send an email with the job applicants data to the admin Passed
Total Store Items Allows the Admin to see the total number of items in the store Passed
Total Revenue Allow the store admins to view the total store revenue Passed

Although only one image is shown of a lighthouse score. The average score across the site is 75 to 80 of total performance
Lighthouse testing

Testing the html is a vital part of web development, To ensure that all features and parts of a website function as intended by the developer.
Deployed application showing no errors on the home page. All pages tested under the same conditions using the same validation tools. All showing the same results with no errors present.

Html testing

Despite errors being shown in the validation tools. No errors due to html are present. The errors are due to the validation tools not working with the django/python syntax. This can be avoided by using different validation middlewares that are designed to work with django and python. This was the result of testing each page individually inside a validator. Which then contains the django and python code.
Html testing Errors

Css Testing
Despite there being errors in the validation. I believe this is due to the validation service not being updated for newer versions of css.

CSS Testing

Javascript Testing
Despite there being warnings on the JS testing. This is due to missing semi colons and JSON syntax not being recognized. Not causing any code breaking bugs.

> JS Testing

Despite warnings about line length and blank spaces at the end of the lines of code. There are no significant application breaking bugs in any of the python code that is running the application.

Pep8 Showing line to long errors
Pep8 Showing no errors in code


During the development of the application there were many different bugs along the way. From a simple syntax error to an application breaking bug. Some of them are in the table below.

Bug Fix
Profiles Modules not being found Fixed by re ordering the urls in the main application files Fixed
Product filtering selection not displaying on the selection box. But filtering products Unfixed
Product Quantity selection not working. Page refreshing on button click Small typos in the JS file Fixed
Orders not being saved to the database. But being sent to stripe Connected to other small bugs. But fixed by fixing a typo with the UUID generation Fixed
Checkout success page not loading Error in the name of the checkout success page file name Fixed
Pagination errors. Cant paginate an un ordered list Fixed by adding the order_by() method onto the selector Fixed
Confirmation emails not being sent during development Due to stripes webhook handlers not working in development on a local host. But working when deployed
Delivery costs not calculating correctly Fixed by changing the percentage to be divided by Fixed
Product category not displaying on product card in store page Unfixed
Delivery Charge not calculating correctly at checkout Due to total amount not being divided inside of the contexts Fixed
Image on product edit page not displaying Not entirely sure what caused this error. But dditing file seemed to fix the issue. Fixed
Favorites being shown on the product edit form Due to all fields being rendered on the form. Edited to remove that field Fixed
Job Edit form not displaying Due to the job post model being used instead of the form inside of the view Fixed

Project Deployment

Heroku was used to deploy the application live to the internet. The live Application can be found here.

Elephant SQL Deployment
The database behind Localitty was done by utilizing the free tier of SQL from ElephantSQL. By following the below steps you can see how the database was created and in the following Heroku deployment steps. You can see how they are linked together to work with each other. ### Step One
Create a new instance on your user dashboard
Create the Database ### Step Two
Name the instance of for your app and select the plan that is required. That is connected to a certain project. It is recommended that these are similar, so not to get confused.
Fill Out the information

Heroku Deployment
Heroku is used as a way for developers and companies to deploy and manage their websites with ease. Allowing the easy connection of things such as databases and media storage. ### Step One
Click on the create an app button on your heroku dashboard.
Create The App ### Step Two
Name your new application and select a server that is local to you, to improve the speed and reliability of your application.
Name the app ### Step Three
Linking the Heroku app to the Github repo allows for smoother and automatic deployments. Directly from pushing an update to github, the Heroku Service will automatically build a new version and deploy with web app.
Link to github ### Step Four
Add config variables to your app. So you are able to control things from inside of the app from an external source. Such as sending emails by connecting to smtp servers. Or a database so you can store information required for features of the app to run.
Add the config vars

If you are wanting to take a look at the code and potentially add on your own features to the project you can do so by cloning or forking the repo. By doing this it will allow you to locally develop and add your own features to the app.

Clone and Forking
By clicking the fork button. You are able to then clone the repo as it is and add it as a repo inside of your own github profile. Where you can develop and push new and improved features to the repo on your profile without touching the original project. Step 1
Clone the repo
Step 2
Clone the repo
Alternatively you are able to simply clone the repo straight from the code itself. Without adding it to your own github profile. But when doing this, a warning is required as pushing new code and features to this method will push them to the main repo of the project. This can be avoided by making a new branch of the code.
Clone the code



All code for the project was written by myself. Whilst using Stack Overflow, Google, various Youtube videos and Code Institute Slack Chats for reference and problem solving. Also being aware of the Code Institutes 'Botique Ado' Walkthrough for code reference and guidance along the way

Also using various code samples Bootstrap library of free sample code


The colors that were chosen for the project were picked because they were all simple yet bold colors. All contrasting each other allowing for an easy to read/view application.

Color Palette Color Palette for the application


All images that are found in the application on all pages are from a selection of websites. That are listed below.


Favicon was generated using