Mtb-3 / Weightless

Auto-mod roller
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Auto-Mod Roller

Weightless is a widget that automatically rolls for desired mods. The mod rolling button only works in the cash currency tab. Once the roll for mod button is clicked there is a 3-second delay until the program starts. Choose the currecy you wish to use and hover over the item within the 3-second window. The program will stop once the desired mod has been found. Hold "alt" to stop the program at any time.


  1. Click the green (code) button and download as zip.
  2. Extract the contents to a file location of your choosing.
  3. Choose the correct folder based on your resolution.
  4. Run Modroller.exe or python source file.





Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
