Mu-ING / Person-ReID-Triplet-Loss-Model-based-on-Tensorflow

Implementation of basic triplet loss, triplet hard loss and triplet semi-hard loss
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Person ReID Triplet Loss Model based on Tensorflow

Tensorflow implementation of person re-identification using MobileNetV2 with variants of triplet loss on Market-1501 dataset. This project is part of the course offered by and thus I can't release the code in Tensorflow to the public, but I would love present and discuss about my code in a private way. Furthermore, I will reproduce the code in Pytorch and share it soon.


Person Re-Identification

Person re-identification is the task of associating images of the same person taken from different cameras or from the same camera in different occasions.



SOTA of Person Re-Identification on Market-1501 from Paperwithcode


MobileNetV2 is a light but very effective feature extractor for object detection and segmentation. It builds upon the kernel of MobileNetV1 - depthwise separable convolution, and introduces two new features to the architecture: linear bottlenecks and inverted residuals (shortcut connections between the bottlenecks). The basic structure is shown below.


Triplet Loss

Trhiplet loss was firstly introduced in the FaceNet paper, which is a loss function that trains a neural network to closely embed features of the same class (an anchor and a positive sample, both of which have the same identity) while maximizing the distance between feature embeddings of different classes (the anchor and a negative sample of a different identity). In this project, the anchor is an image of a person, the positive sample is another image of the same person and the negative sample is an image of a different person.

1.Basic Triplet Loss (Offline Trplet Mining)

In basic triplet loss model, the input would be a batch of triplet-sets of anchor, positive and negative (A,P,N), which is totally prepared offline before each training epoch - each (A,P,N) would be chosen and labeled manually. The principle d(A,P) + margin < d(A,N) is not implemented here, so this model might be the easiest and the most basic implementation of triplett loss.
The CNN network would have three inputs and would calculate feature embeddings for each input, which means it needs 3 batchsize inputs, computes 3 batchsize embeddings and generates 1 batchsize triplet for triplet loss calculation. The figure below shows the overview of the network used in basic triplet loss model.

2.Triplet Hard Loss (Semi Online Triplet Mining)

In triplet hard loss model, the input would still be triplet-sets, but only anchor is prepared previously and the others would be calculated and chosen online (during the training) following the principle d(A,P) > d(A,N) and thus this model is labeled with "semi online triplet mining" at the same time.
The network architecture is as same as the basic model. By means of calculating the dot product of feature embeddings matrix of a batch of anchor inputs and its transposed matrix, we would get a similarity matrix and each row of this matrix shows the similarity between each anchor and the others. Then we could choose postive with highest similairty, if positive exists, and negative with lowest similarity for each anchor. Obviously, qualified triplets are hard to find in a batch of random anchors. To improve the efficiency, we would prepare four different images of one person as a group and concatenate multiple groups to a batch. This batch could ensure that the network could produce a "qualified" triplet for each anchor.

3.Triplet Semi-hard Loss (Online Triplet Mining)

In triplet semi-hard loss model, the input would change back to a normal batch of single image and we would use TripletSemiHardLoss from TensorFlow Addons Losses following the principle d(A,P) < d(A,N) < d(A,P) + margin. The triplets would be totally generated in the training, so we call this method "online triplet mining".



Python 3.7.6
conda 4.8.3
Tensorflow 2.2.0
CUDA 10.1
cudnn 7.6.5
NVIDA GeForce RTX 2060

Dataset Preparation

Training & Validation


Future Work
