Multi-User-Domain / mud-jena

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Tomcat: Deploy WAR at root #42

Closed calummackervoy closed 3 years ago

calummackervoy commented 3 years ago

In #27 we're adding an endpoint to localhost:8080/.well-known/..., WebFinger and other protocols do this as well

Annoyingly in Tomcat I think that this means we need to deploy the app serving these endpoints specially as the root application: Annoying mostly because it makes it tricky for someone to run MUD-Jena alongside other apps on Tomcat which want to use the root path

@MattTennison do you know how you'd do this in Docker?

I'm running a Tomcat server in Eclipse and it looks like I can make this change via the settings (


MattTennison commented 3 years ago

For the Docker side of it, it was straightforward -

This means all built Docker images will serve MUD under the root path. I haven't added anything to the README as it should just work :smile: