Multi-User-Domain / mud-jena

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Multi User Domain - Jena Project

The goal of this project is to provide a set of Java utilities to serve resources for the Multi User Domain platform

Using the semantic web technologies, it should be possible to build a Multi User Domain which

Tech Stack:

Separation of Concerns

The framework is currently in only one repository, but is being built with a separation of concerns in mind:

By separating these concerns it allows for greater modularity and use of the application. For example I may want to define a World Server and see the interesting ways in which players and programs will change it over time, without wanting to concern myself with providing rich descriptions of the world. I may want to produce Action Server content which allows people to build things in other worlds

Getting Started Locally

Contact us if you have any difficulties!


Import into Eclipse workspace

Running Tomcat server from Eclipse

The recommended way to run this project is using Docker (see below)

In older versions of Eclipse

Useful info to newcomers to Java servers/Tomcat

The file web.xml holds the Java Servlet configuration for the local server (src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml)

If you're running the application in Tomcat, you will have another server.xml configuration in the Tomcat server

The file pom.xml holds the Maven dependencies for the project

Running Unit Tests

We use JUnit tests (and sometimes the Jersey extension JerseyTest)


You can build and run the application using the Dockerfile. Building the image requires no specific build args, so can be done simply with:

docker build . -t mud-jena:<branch>

To run the image, simply bind port 8080 to a local port:

docker run -p 8080:8080  mud-jena:<branch>


We run Docker build on PRs in this repo (restricted to contributors only for security reasons), so if you want to checkout a PR or master, you can use our prebuilt images like so:

docker run -p 8080:8080 multiuserdomain/mud-jena:master

docker run -p 8080:8080 multiuserdomain/mud-jena:<branch-name>

Deploying to a production Tomcat server


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