Multi-User-Domain / mud-lib

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This is a collection of shared front-end components for multi-user-domain projects.

npm bundle size npm (scoped)

Tech used

Getting Started

Install: npm install @multi-user-domain/mud-lib or yarn add @multi-user-domain/mud-lib


Adding a new component

Run this hygen command:

npx hygen react-component new <component-name>

Testing local changes in another project

To test local changes in another project using this library (e.g. in mud-react), you can use npm link or yarn link, commands which create an operating system link to the local version of the library:

cd /path/to/mud-lib/
yarn link
cd /path/to/other/project/
yarn link "@multi-user-domain/mud-lib"

Sometimes this can lead to an error Invalid Hook Call in the project using mud-lib. If this happens and when you run npm ls react it displays more than one version of React, the issue is because the bundler "sees" two Reacts - one in the library folder and one in the application folder. The React docs describe this problem, one possible fix is to run yarn link from /path/to/mud-lib/node_modules/react (and then yarn link react from your application folder) to make the library use the application's React copy.


Releases are automated via semantic release, which runs on all pushes to the master and next branches. If you push to master, the release will go out as a proper release in npm under the 'latest' tag. If you push to next, it goes out under the 'next' tag.