Muqsit / ChestShop

ChestShop for PocketMine-MP (pmmp)
68 stars 34 forks source link
chestshop gui muqsit plugin pmmp pocketmine-mp


Chest shop allows you to create Chest GUI based shops - a widely used feature in minigames such as MoneyWars, SkyBlock and SkyWars. If you are looking for a compressed .phar file, go here:

NOTE: ChestShop depends upon EconomyAPI for transactions, you must have EconomyAPI plugin installed before running the plugin.

Basic Features

How To Use?

Download the compiled .phar file from poggit and drop it into your server's plugins/ folder. NOTE: You must either be OP or have the permission chestshop.command.admin to use the commands: /cs addcategory, /cs removecategory and /cs additem

Adding a category

Categories are the front-page of the /chestshop command. If you do not have any categories, the /chestshop command will send you an empty chest GUI. To add a category, use /cs addcategory <category name> while holding an item. The item that you are holding will be used to represent the category in /chestshop.

Now let's see how /chestshop looks.

Neato! Let's add some items to our category using /cs additem <category name> <cost>.

Awesome! You might be wondering what the 2 papers and one chest is doing in the last row of the GUI. The two papers turn towards the left/right page in case you have more than 45 items in your category. The chest in the middle of the two papers bring you back to the list of categories (/chestshop).