MusicConnectionMachine / RelationshipsG4

In this repository we will try to build and determine relationships between composers
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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In this repository we will try to build and determine relationships between composers


Choose one of the following possibilites:

Using Docker Hub

  1. run docker pull musicconnectionmachine/relationshipsg4
  2. run docker run -p 3000:3000 -d musicconnectionmachine/relationshipsg4
  3. go to http://localhost:3000/relationships or http://localhost:3000/reputability in order to see respective JSON file

Using just Docker

  1. cd into server folder
  2. run docker build -t musicconnectionmachine/relationshipsg4 .
  3. run docker run -p 3000:3000 -d musicconnectionmachine/relationshipsg4
  4. go to http://localhost:3000/relationships or http://localhost:3000/reputability in order to see respective JSON file

Completely manually

1. Stanford CoreNLP locally

  1. download the latest Version
  2. run java -mx4g -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer in the extracted folder to start the magic on localhost:9000

2. Express Project

  1. cd into server folder (in a new console)
  2. in config.json, change the core_nlp_server_url to http://localhost:9000
  3. run npm install to install dependencies
  4. run npm run start to start the server on localhost:3000, or alternatively run the ./bin/www file in WebStorm
  5. go to http://localhost:3000/relationships or http://localhost:3000/reputability in order to see respective JSON file

For Mac: In case you don't have wget installed, you can get it via homebrew by running brew install wget