Muttley / foundryvtt-fallout

Fallout 2d20 System for Foundry VTT
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Shouldn't clothing (not outfits) stack with armor? #480

Closed MorganBard closed 4 weeks ago

MorganBard commented 3 months ago

Page 124 of the core rules states:

Clothing provides little protection by itself but may often provide small bonuses when combined with armor worn over the top. Outfits generally grant more protection or larger bonuses, at the cost of being una- ble to combine them with armor.

So if I have a character wearing Tough Clothing (1 physical and energy resistance, arms, torso, and legs) and wear raider armor on both arms (1 physical and energy resistance), I think I should have 2 physical and energy resistance on both arms, and 1 PR and ER on torso and legs. In Foundry, when I do this, I have only 1 for all locations. Am I missing something or is this a bug?

Muttley commented 4 weeks ago

No, the resistances don't stack as per the rules:


See page 122 of the core rulebook.